Welcome to Otaku Poems, a world dedicated to your poems, song lyrics or philosphies.
If you want your work posted, please contact one of our Otaku Poets:
Shi Bum Bumm
imouto chan
The Shadow Prince
Troublesum Shika

I hope you enjoy your visit to this world. Please be sure to leave feedback on our contributers' work ^_^

April 9, 2012

Unfortunately, this world seems to be mostly dead. I've done some long and hard thinking, and came to the conclusion that it'd be best to shut it down. I don't have the heart to delete it, so this world will remain as is, but guest posting is no longer available. If you are uncomfortable with any of your work still being up, please PM me, so that I can adjust posts. Also, if you have any questions, or would still like to share your work with someone in general, please feel free to me.

I want to thank everyone who ever participated in Otaku Poems. Whether you were a poet or a commenter, or silent audience, thank you. Otaku Poems had a good run~


What kind of Person could stand by,
And watch their child torment themselves,
Destroy their being,
Who could just leave them in the dark,
You’d Call me pathetic in this state,
While My heart bleeds out,
While I Scream your name,
While I Scream “Believe me!”.
You Never will,
We wish you would,
Me, My Soul, My Heart,
All those little things you ignored.
I Know you cared for me,
Raised me,
But when it came to emotional sickness,
All you did was brush me off.
You wonder why I Lie, Why I Hide,
You’re a hypocrite when you say you care,
You only mean it halfway,
You’ll only deal with the problems you can handle,
You may be older,
But your doubtfully wiser,
You Don’t understand,
You never really will,
I know that,
But the Least you can do Is accept who your daughter is,
Grab her hand when she’s reaching out,
After all,
You are
My Mother.
Okay, Two things, I Dont hate my mom. We had gotten in a fight because I Was trying to discuss something with her that she seems pretty closed minded about.
And I'm sorry for flooding the world, I have a lot of poems.


I am a puppet,
you hold the strings,
You toy with me,
Lift me up,
Put me down,
You've raised me to my peak,
Then tore me down to an All time low,
You broke my heart,
sliced it in two,
but now,
Dear Master,
I have decided on freedom,
I'm cutting my strings,
I'm breaking free of you,
So please,
Don't follow me while I Run,
I need to be alone,
I need to learn to smile on my own.


I Fear We’ve never Spoken,
Though I Feel I know your story,
For I’ve seen your eyes,
Dark and Misty,
Always ready to cry,
I Fear I’ve let you down,
Even though you don’t know me,
You were always alone,
And I just left you like that,
Seeing your solitude made me realize something,
That I had it good,
Even if my friends were fake,
Even if everyone secretly hated me,
Some more open about it then others,
I Had people who were there for me,
Shoulders to cry on,
While all you had,
Was the insides of your palms,
I Would have done anything,
To be able to comfort you,
For I Recognized your pain,
I’ve felt it too,
When it seems like your all alone in the world,
If I Had Talked to you,
On that first day I saw you,
You wouldn’t have been like this,
You would have smiled once,
A Real one,
Unlike the fake ones I’ve seen you give teachers,
And surrounding attackers,
I Wish I Was there for you,
Because now its too late,
I’ll never hear your voice,
I’ll never see you smile,
Your away from me,
All of us now.

PS I've been Informed that most of the Info In there is incorrect, But like I Said Me and the girl had never met.

In My Mind, In My Heart

I Have My Soul In My Mind,
I Have your Soul In My Heart.
I Hold My Heart In Your Hand,
"For you" I Say Smiling,
Tears are dripping down my face.
"Promise you'll guard it.
Promise you wont Break it."
I Begged you.
You Kissed it and tucked Under your Hat.
"So You'll Always Be On My Mind"
You Whispered to me.
I Clung To You and Repeated those three words over
and over.
"I love you!"
My Love you've Received my heart,
You Keep it warm,
You Keep It Safe,
You Keep It Close.
I Tell You Know That I Love you,
And tears start rolling down our faces.
Now Love, I Know,
I Know we Cannot Be With Each other Physically,
But What Does that matter?
We hold each others hearts In Out Heads,
In Our souls.

�There�s no Blame For How Our Love Did Slowly Fade�

But in my heart,
It never did,
Our love has been there all along,
And I've been grasping on to it,
As if it were my last breath,
As if without it I Would stop breathing,
I Need you to know,
Even though your happy elsewhere,
I Love you,
I Need you,
And I Would do anything to call you mine again,
I'm sure I Sound pathetic,
Whispering this desperate plea,
I had become dependent on your constant "I Love you's",
I Never thought they'd disappear,
I Thought you'd always be there,
Not Just as a friend,
but as a lover,
I Miss that.

First Line is From Death Cab For Cutie’s Title and Ragistration
Thanks For adding me as A Guest Poster, Imouto Chan!!!!