Decided on Bret because I finally finished my first drawing of him! He's cute...
So gonna do some random thing from his a different format than normal though :3
Bret sat on his bed staring at the glowing laptop screen. He was in college along with some friends over video chat. His room was his classroom, he was happy with that.
"So guys, we're going to that fair tomorrow right?" Callie planned everything for their group, what events they were going to, how long each class would be, and their professor didn't mind.
Nolan laughed, "how could we not? It's the best thing going on this month besides break!" Their professor, Erik, acted hurt, "what, you don't like me Nolan?"
Bret stiffled a laugh, for all the instructors he had had, Erik was by far the best. He looked at the electric clock on his desk, 11:45, almost midnight. "Hey, you all know that the 5th is fifteen minutes away, right?"
Callie turned away from her screen, looking at her wall clock, "Oh no! This was only supposed to go to 11:30!!! I'm sorry!" she disappeared from her chat window to organize her books.
Erik yawned, "Have fun at the fair! I'll see you all Monday." They said goodnight and his window closed.
"'Night you guys" Nolan's closed as well, leaving Callie, Bret, Robert, and Wen. Callie and Wen left at the same time, so Bret and Robert logged off too.
He lay back on his pillow thinking about the fair. This'll be the fifth year. I'm surprised none of them have realized yet. Bret sighed maybe Earl will listen to me and let us have a meeting in one of those little New England states. They seem like fun. I'll try again tomorrow. he looked at his calendar and the gray cirlce around the 5th of December, the next meeting.
"Bret! Are you up yet?" his mother called from downstairs, "It's nearly 10 o'clock!" Bret rolled out of bed and yawned nearly 10? The meetings at- he looked at his clock to make sure, the meeting started at 10:30. At least in "Colorado Time" it did.
After convincing his mom he had no need for breakfast and getting ready as fast as possible Bret ran to the alley-way between his house and the ski/snowboard shop nextdoor.
He was early, only Road, Jasdero, David and the Earl were there. Road looked up and smiled at him, he smiled back. Skin arrived soon after and looked around the room, but seemed dissapointed with what he saw. Bret wondered why.
When the meeting was over, Tyki seemed in a hurry to leave.
"Hey Tyki, why such a rush?"
Tyki stopped and looked back at him "I have somewhere to be." he answered.
Bret knew about Tyki's involvement with the Order, even though he had never talked about it much. The Order is in Brittain, so does he live there? But the original Ark is connected to it now so he wouldn't have to, he thought.
Callie looked over their group, Nolan, Wen, Robert and Bret looked back at her. "Are we under inspection Callie?" Robert asked jokingly. Callie giggled, "I'm just making sure we all have everything." Each one of them had brought a pencil and notebook to write down their favorite and least favorite things at the fair. Callie wanted them to do this because one of her parent's friends was the one who organized the fair each year, and they wanted suggestions.
"Bret, why are you dressed all fancy? It's just a fair." Nolan scoffed. Bret was still wearing the colloared white shirt he had worn for the meeting before. "I had to go somewhere with my mom before and she ran late so I couldn't change" he responded.
A seal show, cultural state houses, only five of them though, gymnastics acts, clowns, bee keeper's tent, random fried foods, just like any other fair. But, an airport just a few miles down the road. I wonder if they have any flights to New England. I could just take my laptop along and leave this week, no one will care. Bret watched as yet another plane flew over the fair grounds. Right after we're done here I'm going there, he decided.
Callie stared at him, "are you sure about just going?" she asked in disbelief. Bret sighed, "Yes I'm sure. It's New England, where the American Revolutionary War and the signing of our Independence took place." Callie thought for a moment, "Send some pictures ok? I want to see it too." Bret smiled "Of course"
"Yes we do have flights to New England! There's one leaving tomorrow night for Maine if you're interested" the man seemed happy that Bret had asked about these flights. He went on about this one to Maine, "I believe it's departing at 9, so it will arrive around 1 or 2 Monday morning. The next flight isn't untill Wednessday."
"Tomorrow night? That sounds perfect," Bret was surprised at how soon he could leave. "I'll most likely be back here then" He waved as he walked out.
Paking time! Bret thought as he looked at his room.
Bret hefted the duffle bag over his shoulder and grabbed his laptop in its bag. At the bottom of the stairs his mom hugged him and said "Make sure to call as soon as you've found a place to stay." Bret smiled "I'm nineteen, I'll be ok"
His mom drove him to the airport and he waved before going inside. This is great! I can stay all month long!
Walking around the town he was staying at the next afternoon Bret saw a group of high schoolers going home from school. That girl, she was at a meeting once...sat between Allen and Tyki. The group went up some steps to a house across the street from where Bret was standing. The door opened and one with bright blue hair jumped and hugged the person who opened the door, making the rest of them laugh.
"Welcome home!" A voice Bret knew came from inside the house. That's Tyki! He waved, trying to catch one of thier attentions, it worked. The girl with blue hair laughed and waved back excitedly. "Who're you waving at Caitta?" A boy with soft gray hair asked, the one who had opened the door. "I don't know! But he waved to me" she answered happily, "Come on over!"
Bret came across the street and started at the appearance of the boy behind the girl, Caitta. He had cat's ears and bright green eyes. They stared at each other for a second. The boy blinked, "I've never seen you before."
Tyki popped his head into the hallway behind the door, "Caitta, Aki, why don-" he stopped, looking at Bret.
"Hello Tyki!" Bret almost laughed at the look on Tyki's face, "What? Aren't you happy to see me?" Caitta looked back at Tyki, then at Bret, "Tykiii, you know him?" Tyki nodded slowly, "Why don't you come in? It's cold outside."
That's all I'm going to do for this bit! I went ahead of myself and now I really need to finish the TG part because this is Dec. 7th now...
I haven't done any backstories yet D: I'm surprised. I love doing backstories! Especially for Caitta, she has such a past that I can completely make up because she doesn't remember any of it XD Though that is sad, I had Sou(when they first met) say something that made her realize it's ok. I believe that was~
"It's better you don't remember them. If the friends you had before met you know, but you knew about the deaths of your mother and sister, they would be worse off than they would be as you are. If one friend is depressed it affects everyone around them. So don't feel bad ^^ You can always make friends with them again."
Something like thaat, he's good with advice I would say...maybe if I find the email I did that in.....
Yes! We do emails as well! When Kyan was on a two-week vacation overseas(without international service) I did my first Fanfic email, it was really long ^^; If I find it I'll post it. Simple as that.
Anyway, I've been thinking about doing a backstory for someone...either Bret, Caitta/Kyan, or Aise. The Bret one has been on my mind for the majority of the past two days. It's pretty developed, so I might do that one....
But earlier I was thinking; I haven't done any specific writing for Saki's accident. Realizing this, I really need to do something for her.
Saki or Bret
Bret or Saki
>.< must decide!
Kyan's phone is on vacation, so it's up to me to write ._. I shall do my best
Yes, Lina-chan, or lina, needs to join the fanfic. We noticed this I think Monday, and decided that she and Cross will come in right before everyone eats. Here we go~
*in dinning hall, mostly everyone is there*
c: woooow! there's so much food
an: yeah...
k: caitta! aki!
-this is no fun, get to the point cat! I'm all tired I guess, but I have a fun field trip tomorrow~ and there's still 1/2 hour till bed! Gotta.....write...more...... DX
*once everyone is assembled*
Jerry: eat up everyone! there's plenty to go around!
c: :D yay!
*steps in hall*
Lina(li): Hiiiii!!!!! I'm gonna live here now!! XD
c: yay a new person!!!!!!! *happy happy*
li: oh wow lots of food!!!!!
c: :D :D
k: who is she?
t: oh crap....
k: ......tykiiiiiii
t: eheh...
li: Cross look there's the white hair- *looks behind her* Cross? Eh? Crooooss?
Allen(a):*freezes* Cross....Master Cross is here?....
Lenalee(ll): that's good! He finally came back again! ^^
a:*in shock*
ll: Allen?....
li: Cross! Where- don't run away!!!! *runs back down hallway*
a: D:
c: ah-....
eh, now to bed. but first to do hair, it's horribley wavey D: don't like it when my hair's wavey. Teh darn shower always makes it wavy...*curses shower*
I came up with a name todaaaay~
After one of my brother's *sort-of* sensies at Karate, Bret Geaber.
Just took Bret, it's short and cute :3 still working on a last name though, any ideas will be greatly appriciated!
So, I must do a profile! For it is what I do with newbies :D but, I forgot the normal order I do this in, so I'll do the stuff as it occurs to me!
Name: Bret
Age: 19
Origin: ah...*looks at map* Colorado, USA
He is- yes, this is needed, I think there is a Memories of the Noah, so that is what over, the spirit of the Memories of the Noah chose Bret to be its new host, so Bret is still a normal kid, he just can't forget anything people have told him/things he has seen, he's a qualified Noah.
Likes: blue skies, powdery snow, listening to music, being with his friends, learning new things
Dislikes: people telling him to "forget", slush(you know, that annoying half-melted snow mush), people who think they're better than everyone else, objects that "trip him"
Personality: fun loving, smart, funny, has a calm demeanor but is really kind of hyper-active. He freaks out if anyone tells him to "forget that"+such. He tends to trip over things a lot, but isn't nessecarily clumsy. Telephone poles, sign posts, and small, unnoticed objects are his worst enemy.
Appearance: messy, realatively short, dark brown hair, gray eyes, 5'9", pale tan skin. He's fit and strong, but not really muscled. Likes to wear black "skinny" jeans, but they're never skin-tight on him. Also usually has on black and white boots that go up about 3-4" above his ankle.
Family: mother- Heather, father- Robert, normal, haven't decided on siblings
Friends: lots of them in his night-school classes(college courses), no girlfriend but many girls are hoping
Interests: martial arts, New England(he likes the idea of such small states), electric piano
Skills: can drive XD, plays electric piano, good at running, can do some martial arts kata(there's another word for this, it has slipped my mind though...)
That's Bret! Unless I think of some other stuff, I'll include him in the fanfic soon, he has to go somewhere over break. That or he just takes the night classes on a laptop or something. Either way, I will get him in soon ehough! :D
I'm so bored ._.
Made a new character a few days ago, doesn't have a name yet though...
He's the Memory of the Noah, so he can't forget anything :3
I really need to make a name for him.....
neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed D:
I know!!! XD
kanji for memory in Japanese is nian, the katakana is ji...
Jimonji? nu that's a scary movie...
normally names are so easy for meeeeeee!!!! What's wrong?!?!?!?! And it was this past what, Tuesday that I came up with this guy? I've just been calling him "memories guy"
meeeeeeeeeeeh T^T

This is a pretty good Lavi cosplayer....