Hit forward and place an X by all the things you've done and remove the X from the ones you have not.
This is for your OC’s Entire Life!
Marcin LaChance
>Have you……..?
> (x)Shot a gun
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because the url for the pic apparently doesn't want to show the picture itself -n-
Licten with his innocence activated. He isn't really a human, he's an artificial...
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((this is when the Noah inside Bret "woke up" and inhabited him I guess...he was around 12/13. It's from his point of view sometime later))
I was a pretty average kid for the most part. Did well in school, had some great friends, g...
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Fanfic described in an acrostic :D
Fun to write
Absolutely hilarious
Not very serious- even when it’s supposed to be
Finding new ideas for storylines
Can go from sad-tears to crying-because-I’m-laughing-too-hard
Too many people in one house!
It’s probably so confusing for everyone else
Over twenty teenagers added to a normal series
Nothing normal about it!
I don't know why this is so fun XD but earlier while drawing I was torturing Kyan because now she doesn't have control of all the pairings in fanfic :D ehe reason being is that the song Nice Guys Finish Last is now Licten's song so Kyan wanted to give Licten a girlfriend, but I decided I was going to actually take control of a pairing for once and have been torturing Kyan by not telling her anything since :D (that was like Tuesday)
Here is our conversations (with pictures!)
Kyan: sup?
Me: drawin
Me: You?
Kyan: OwO OwO what r u 6on draw ((what are you gonna draw))
Kyan: Staaaar Waaaars
Me: Lolololol I is drawing something inspired by a DavexJade drawing, but it's for fanfic ((I started out that way and then decided against it and drew something else))
Kyan: OwO who is iiit?
Me: Cannot tell :D :D
Kyan: Aaaagh!!!!!! B-b-but....
Me: Here here, you shall get quick beginning sketch :3
*insert image one*
Kyan: Hmmm...CatKi? (thats the Caitta/Kikun ship name) ((which I believe should be CaiKi because Caitta isn't called Cat, that's my name))
Me: Nope :D
Kyan: Uh... Licten's chick?
Me: *spit take* whahahahahaha!!!! XD
Kyan: Yes?!
Me: XD lololol
Kyan: Ahahahahaha she's cuuute :3 Licten's quite tall
Me: Lol that's not Licten :D
Kyan: ....... Whodafuq is it?!
Me: Ehehe :D but look at teh expression Kyan, expressions are everything OwO
*insert close up of girl's face*
Kyan: She's sad... Uhmmm... So not Caitta. The hair's too short for Kaly. You say it isn't Licten's girl. Aise doesn't have a set bf. Is it Kyan?
Me: Lol :P
Kyan: Argghhh is it or not?! TELL KYAN. KYAN MUST KNOW.
Me: :D ahaha
Kyan: Is iiit? Wait- yeeeeah; wasn't their a streak outline in her hair?!
Me: No, that was from the circle of her head XD
Kyan: Oh ok... Uhmmmm..... We dun have any other girls!!! It HAS to be Licten's girl and... Omg she's E. Martin's wife's soul; isn't she?
((E. Martin; AKA Edgar Martin; died when Alma went insane so Reni made Licten with Edgar's soul in him, so Licten is Edgar Martin in part, though he doesn't know that yet))
Me: No, shes a normal teenage girl .w.
Kyan: Nrghhh so you admit its his gf?
Me: :D not gf silly~~~~ ehe
Kyan: Um... Love interest then?
Me: :P
Kyan: Who's the guy
Me: :3 I did say there were going to be two people didn't I? :D
Kyan: Yes! So who's the guy though?! Her bf?! Her bro?! Her friend?!
Me: You have no idea how much I am enjoying this :D lol
Kyan: You are so meeaaan D: D: pweaase tell meeeee
Kyan: Im sorrryyyy~~ ill tell you when I finish the sketch, I'm on the girls shoes
Kyan: ........loki'd. Ok then!
Me: Ahahaha :D :D
Kyan: ((says something that I forgot to save))
Me: (aha, you just got loki'd again!) Loki!
Kyan: ((something along the lines of)) I have been watching Star Wars all afternoon...
Me: Lolol :D dont worry! I wasted my day on tumblr and youtube!
Kyan: ((um....forgot again ;n;))
Me: Eheh...these shoes ;n; ugh
*insert picture of leg with shoe and leg without shoe
Me: Ehehe....but this guy...this guy...omg his hair....he is so football team guy...
*insert picture of guy's head*
Me: Ehehe :D all doneee, and I think youll like my backstory for it
Kyan: Tellll
Me: Ok! So~
these two are junirs at the highschool, the guys is on the football team and the girl plays the violin they are a couple but the girl isn't all that happy, the guy is oblivious tho :3 im thinkin the guys name is like...brenden or something, and then the girl has a really pretty name.
Kyan: Erisa, or like Avaria or Rose or idk... But how does she end up w/ licten?!
Me: that is for me to know, and you to find out :3
and that is where I shall end :D Hope you liked it~ and here's the actual finished pic!