Prolouge [for "Captured"]

Full Name: Yu Kanda
Date of birth: June 6, 1851
Current Age: 160
Job Title: Exorcist
Place of Employment: Headquarters

This is stupid. This is so stupid. Komui doesn't need any of this shit. As if he cares. Rouvelier is his excuse; but he prefers not to check the records. It's pointless having to fill these out... Komui says we have to do it away from each other to avoid "emotional conflict." I think Kyan's worse off left on her own. She doesn't let on, but I know what she thinks. The administration is keeping her locked up so she doesn't attack anyone.
I hope everyone in the building died a horrible death. The bastards deserved it. Keeping three teenage girls locked up for that long. If they were alive I would get Komui to sue. I should've killed them slower and put them through what they did to Kyan, Kaly and Caitta. I can't believe she even lived (Kyan). Stupid men. She still can't walk and keeps falling asleep. I'll ask her something and she'll just look at me like I'm not there.
The worst thing is the dreams. She wakes up screaming in the night and says she watches these kids fight eachother. At the end one dies, she said. I know who they are. I'm not going to tell her.
