Hey everyone I’m back again today! I hope you all have been well! This is a little embarrassing but I will tell you about it. I have been reading the Harry Potter books to my dog Jetty. She loves it! She will literally listen and curl up under my blanket and lay down. When I need a moment to let my throat relax she just lays there and waits. I love Harry Potter so it’s fun to read it to her. She also gets to be out of her crate a lot more that way. I also had a lot of fun showing you all my collection at the event yesterday! Do any of you read to your pets? If you do do you feel embarrassed to tell others that you do? I like to think that our pets deserve attention just as much as we do.
To an amazing day today:
~Outlawedgirl ~
Hey everyone!! Wow! It’s been a long time. I have started working at Walmart. I have been there for 2 almost 3 years! I have my license and a Ford escape! I love my car but I need to change the abs sensors and really check the brakes. Other than that the car runs awesome! I am thinking of applying at sig sauer. I don’t know if I spelled that right. Whoops. They give good money there. Sadly I no longer have Peanut my rat terrier. He passed last year. He had may complications. He was diabetic and had kidney failure. We tried to save him but it didn’t help. I still cry when I think about him. I did however get a Manchester terrier. Her name is Jetty and she is one of the best dogs I have ever had. So enough about me how has everyone been? Great I hope. I have to apologize to some of you. I haven’t been on to say happy birthdays but I hope they were all awesome! well I have to go get ready to go to work. I will be on after for the event! See ya all then!
P.s. I have enclosed a picture of Jetty.
Hello everyone! I hope everyone has been well. I am a lot better than my last post because the 15 dollars was found! I don't know where but they found it. I have to open one day next week and have a ride in. I have tomorrow and Saturday off thank god. but I only get Wednesday off next week and that is it. Hopefully we don't get a lot of snow next week because I need to be able to make it to work. My mom will drive me but...only if it isn't bad out. Today it snowed and she did but only because it wasn't much.
On another note...we have no heat. We have to go to the and get fuel and I don't want to. It is getting really cold in the house though so we have to go soon. I don't know why my mom isn't getting her car cleaned off so we can go though. She should be doing it so we can get warm but what do I know?
Anyone else have similar issues in their workplace or in their home?
P.S I found the photo on bing images...this is the link to it
Hey everyone!
I am really nervous today. I had to have a register at work and it was 15 dollars short. Our store is also under surveillance. I really hope I don't get in trouble because I am a really honest person and if I made a mistake it isn't made often. I hope if I did make a mistake the people I accidently gave the extra cash to come give it back. That would be the honest thing to do. I hope I didn't give them the extra cash and am almost hoping that someone stole the money that way I don't get into any trouble. I have to work tomorrow too so I will find out I am sure. I had to even tell one of my coworkers not to ring on my drawer. They didn't but he was going to. The funny thing is that I was trying to be very careful on it. I had one group of people that came in and ordered 49 dollars worth of stuff at one point and hand me a hundred dollar bill. I was like I can cash it. I hope I didn't do it wrong. I just hope that everyone else had a great day today unlike mine.
Got to love having a register.
Hey everyone! I have been working in another store this week so I haven't been on at all. I just got a chance to use my computer yesterday but it wasn't running right for some reason. I got it working right now and its running fine. It was stuttering in one of my games that I play on it. So the reason I had to work in another store is because the manager of it got fired so I was helping them out. It was ok other than the fact that when employees buy from the store off the clock they are a customer. They have to pay full price for anything. I had a guy come in and was like I want this, this and this, and I am an employee so I get 50 percent off. I really wanted to tell him "no you don't you aren't on the clock." I should have called my district manager right there but I didn't. Also, people ring on other people's drawers there. You aren't suppose to. If it is your register than you are the only one on it, period. I don't know why they are still getting away with it over there but it isn't my store and I have no control over it. Needless to say I actually missed working in my store for those two days and was glad to be back. My dogs sure missed me because when I got home and let them out of my room they just ran down the stairs. When my sister and mom had to let them out they wouldn't come out of my room. They literally had to pick them up. I was like "awwww! They really missed me!" Peanut hurried up and did his business and came right back in with Lila. I was so happy to be home!! While I was working in the other store though I stayed overnight at my sister's house and helped a bit with my nephew. He was happy to see me. When I got up to get ready for work he just sat up and watched I guess. I was worried I would wake him up but I didn't. I found out that he watched me because I texted my sister and she told me. I was like, "LOL! What a wierdo. JK." She was like Right? Lol. It was really good to see him though. He is getting so big! I hope everyone elses days have been great. Thanks for reading!
P.S I can't think of a picture to post other than one of dunkin donuts so I wont post one. :)