Why hello everyone!
How have you all been?
I hope you all are well. I have been well. I practiced with my dog today and he didn't forget anything I taught him. He is still a little punk though. I also read all of my manga that was out today. Naruto was especially good. I am starting to love how it is turning out. I am also liking how One piece is turning out.
Well I will continue to keep you posted...have a great day everyone.
Hey everyone!
I hope you have all been so well!
My uncle finally came over today and fixed my light. It is nice and bright in my room now! I also have some great news!
I went driving! I drove for about 2 hours straight! I don't know why it is so hard for me to maintain my speed without having to look at the speedometer. I get nervous at the wheel. I hope I get over it and just get better at driving. I really need to be able to leave when I have to for work and get there on time without relying on my parents. I also can't wait to be able to leave when I get out of work. I will be able to get home sooner to put the dogs out and such.
Pretty soon I will be getting my license and I am so excited.
I also couldn't believe it...Harry Potter was on when my Uncle was here so I put it on when he left. IT TURNED OUT TO BE A MARATHON FOR THE PREMIER OF THE DEATHLY HOLLOWS PART 2! I premiers tonight and I am totally watching it since I have tomorrow off.
Thank you for reading my post and I hope you have a marvelous day.
Hi everyone.
I hope you have all been doing well. I had to work today at five fifteen this morning to ten fifteen. I got out on time and I even had to count my drawer and take a window four quiz. That was an easy quiz too. It is a quiz about the what we are selling next window and I always get at most one question wrong.
My uncle has still not shown up to fix my bedroom light....I am thinking that he wont show up until saturday. That is always what happens when we ask him for help but I don't think he can help it...he is a person with a lot to do after all.
My sister and I were playing an online game and it was really fun. I am going to play with her again tonight before we go to bed. I have tomorrow off so I can stay up late if I wanted to but I am tired from getting up early and not napping. I am also not feeling too well. I have a slight sore throat and a slight ear ache. I don't know why I have come down with these symptoms but I have and I hope they go away as fast as they have appeared. I hate being sick. All I can say is that at least it isn't the flu.
Well since I am here all day tomorrow...maybe my uncle will bless us with his presence. I doubt it though. XD.
I am thinking that tomorrow I am going to practice with my dog and train him to stand and not get scared on a judging table. That is difficult for him because he has so much pent up energy. He needs to let it all out first XD. I hope that he learns fast and that he does really well at the show. We also need to make a weightpull harness for him...yes a weightpull harness for a rat terrior lol. Well I will see you all tomorrow and thank you for reading this post.
So...How is everyone?
I am great. I am kinda tired as I write this though.
My sister had been using her laptop and her charger bit the bed...so I tried to let her use my desktop but it was too slow. I remembered that there were two computers downstairs in the dining room and took one apart and put the ram into my desktop. She isn't happy about the fact that her computer is broken but she is now happy she has a reliable computer. Also...she won't break that one guaranteed because she doesn't have to worry about the dogs jumping all over it. She is especially happy that she has her group chats on skype. I make sure that I am not using my laptop where and when there are going to be dogs jumping around to get outside XD.
Now I must get to bed...and listen to her typing on my desktop for a while. Hopefully I can get to work in the morning. And not worry about a ride. My mom isn't going to be able to drive me I don't think. We are supposed to get snow but I am really hoping we don't so I can get there. I don't wanna get in trouble with both of my bosses because I can't show up tomorrow.
Have a great night everyone!
Hi everyone!
I hope you have all been well. I have been busy at work and when I come home I have been helping my dad with some things around the house.
We have been trying to wire in a couple of ceiling lights in the two bedrooms in our house. My room's light is still not hooked up XD. *face palm* It has been really difficult to do because the wires are all confusing and my dad isn't an electrician. My uncle is though. So because my uncle is an electrician he was the only way we were able to hook up the light in the other room. It was a long night and I was exhausted by the time my uncle was finished in the other room. And go figure...when he finished up there...it still wasn't done because they couldn't find out what one of the wires hooked up one of the plugs that was getting power went to. When we found out...we were like...OH GOD :/. The wire went to one of the lights in the bathroom. So...my dad fixed that this morning and now we have light in the bathroom and a light in the other room. I just hope that my uncle can come and see what I have in my room and fix this mess XD. I want a light so bad so that I don't have to use two separate lamps just to get light in my room.
On a good note...I don't have work tomorrow and I can sleep in. YES SLEEP! I can also get some drawing done hopefully. I really wanna see what I have learned so far! I feel I can do a great masterpiece now with all the info on drawing I have been given XD. I will talk to you again tomorrow and I apologize I haven't been on since Friday. I also apologize for this long post!