Why Cowboy Bebop is awesome. (spoilers)

Let me see...Cowboy bebop.

An anime/manga that almost every otaku knows and has heard about. This being said it is a short series at only 26 episodes. Even though it is so short it became a great hit. I believe it is because the main character dies at the end. That is something you rarely ever see. The main character is the whole point of a story and to kill them off just seems too wrong. I guess you could say that it is not something that would be very popular if it wasn't really well done.

Even though this series is short and sounds like it would be very serious it isn't. There are many times when the other characters make it hilarious even the main character himself can be funny. One of my favorite episodes of this series is when they meet Ein, their dog. The plan of the perp is foiled so badly by the dog it makes it hilarious. The dog sends everyone on a wild goose chase to capture it.

Hoping you enjoyed this post and wish you well on this fabulous day:

