I love it! My room is finally clean! I can walk around and even sleep on the floor if I want to! (wont do that XD). So yeah...my sister and I cleaned my room so now I can be on theotaku.com withough worrying about wandering eyes from my parents (hates having them look at what she is doing on the internet since it is none of their business).
I have tomorrow off too! I can actually sleep in for once! I hate getting up early for work. I must say though...when I am at work I am a XD. I always do multiple things not just one. I also was on sandwich station today and I was doing pretty well! Alright enough about that...
Drawing...I haven't done any....I got some drawing stuff to do though so I have to hurry and go and do it...I will talk to you all later and I hope you have a marvelous day.