
Hi everyone!

I hope you have all been well. I have been busy at work and when I come home I have been helping my dad with some things around the house.

We have been trying to wire in a couple of ceiling lights in the two bedrooms in our house. My room's light is still not hooked up XD. *face palm* It has been really difficult to do because the wires are all confusing and my dad isn't an electrician. My uncle is though. So because my uncle is an electrician he was the only way we were able to hook up the light in the other room. It was a long night and I was exhausted by the time my uncle was finished in the other room. And go figure...when he finished up still wasn't done because they couldn't find out what one of the wires hooked up one of the plugs that was getting power went to. When we found out...we were like...OH GOD :/. The wire went to one of the lights in the bathroom. dad fixed that this morning and now we have light in the bathroom and a light in the other room. I just hope that my uncle can come and see what I have in my room and fix this mess XD. I want a light so bad so that I don't have to use two separate lamps just to get light in my room.

On a good note...I don't have work tomorrow and I can sleep in. YES SLEEP! I can also get some drawing done hopefully. I really wanna see what I have learned so far! I feel I can do a great masterpiece now with all the info on drawing I have been given XD. I will talk to you again tomorrow and I apologize I haven't been on since Friday. I also apologize for this long post!

