세계 실내 선수권 대회에서 우승한 펨키볼

팜키볼, 여자 400m 세계 신기록으로 세계 실내 선수권 대회 우승

남자 멀리뛰기 선수 텐토글루는 신인 풀라니와 경쟁한 끝에 대회에서 3연패를 달성했습니다.

펨키볼(24, 네덜란드)이 2024 세계 실내 육상 선수권 대회 여자 400m에서 다시 세계 신기록을 경신하고 금메달을 획득했습니다.

볼은 3일(한국시간) 스코틀랜드 글래스고 에미레이트 아레나에서 열린 여자 400m 결승에서 49초17에 결승선을 통과했습니다.

50초 16으로 2위를 차지한 리키 클라버(네덜란드)와의 격차는 상당히 컸습니다.

49초17은 지난달 19일 볼의 49초24보다 0.07초 짧은 세계 신기록이기도 합니다.

지난 2월에는 49초26의 기록으로 1982년 체코슬로바키아 선수 시절 자밀라 크라토치빌로바가 세운 49초59를 0.33초 앞당기며 41년 만에 실내 여자 400m 기록을 갈아치웠습니다.

볼의 스피드는 점차 빨라지고 있으며, 이번 대회에서 1-3으로 승리했습니다.

그는 위의 모든 기록(49.17, 49.24, 49.27)을 보유한 선수가 되었습니다.

2022 베오그라드 세계 실내 선수권 대회에서 샤인 밀러-우이보(바하마)에 이어 2위를 차지한 볼은 이날 첫 개인 세계 실내 선수권 대회 금메달도 획득했습니다.

볼의 주요 종목은 400m 허들입니다.

2023년 부다페스트 야외 세계 선수권 대회에서 여자 400m 허들 챔피언에 올랐습니다.

볼의 다음 목표는 '올림픽 금메달'입니다.

볼은 2021 도쿄 올림픽 여자 400m 허들에서 3위를 차지했습니다.

역대 최고의 운동선수' 시드니 맥라플린(미국)이 여자 400m 허들에서 버티고 있습니다.

맥라플린은 도쿄 올림픽과 2022 유진 세계 선수권 대회에서 모두 우승하며 세계 신기록을 세웠습니다.

지난해 부다페스트에서 열린 세계선수권대회에서는 허들 400m 대신 400m에 출전하겠다고 발표했지만 "파리 올림픽에 집중하겠다"며 출전하지 않았습니다

맥라플린은 작년 7월 이후 아직 공식 경기에 출전하지 않았습니다.

파리 올림픽을 조용히 준비하고 있는 맥라플린과 실내 시즌부터 스피드를 끌어올린 볼의 실제 경기를 기대하는 육상 팬들이 많습니다.

볼과 맥라플린이 파리 올림픽에서 '허들 400m와 평행 400m'를 시도할 가능성도 있습니다.

세계 신기록을 세우고 5만 달러(약 6,700만 원)의 기록적인 상금과 4만 달러(약 5,300만 원)의 우승 상금을 거머쥐며 세계 실내 선수권 대회에서 우승한 볼은 로이터와의 인터뷰에서 이렇게 말했습니다. 실시간 바카라사이트

그는 "감독님이 '더 빨리 달릴 수 있다'고 해서 세계 신기록을 깨라고 격려해줬는데 솔직히 1위가 되고 싶었다"며 "지난 4주 동안 장애물을 뛰어넘은 적이 없다"고 웃으며 말했습니다.

장애물을 뛰어넘을 필요 없이 정말 편안합니다."

남자 400m 결승에 출전한 '남자 허들 400m 세계 신기록 보유자' 카르스텐 바르홀름(노르웨이)이 45초34로 45초25를 기록한 알렉산더 둠(벨기에)에 이어 2위를 차지했습니다.

둠은 벨기에 선수로는 최초로 세계 실내 선수권 대회 남자 400m 챔피언이 되었습니다.

그랜트 할로웨이(미국)가 남자 60m 허들에서 7초29(기존 7초34)의 대회 신기록을 세우며 대회 2연패를 달성했습니다.

후그 파브리스 장고(부르키나 파소)는 남자 세단뛰기에서 17m 53m를 뛰어넘어 우승했습니다.

지난해 부다페스트에서 부르키나파소에게 사상 첫 야외 세계육상선수권대회 금메달을 안겨준 장고는 부르키나파소 출신 최초의 세계 실내선수권대회 금메달리스트로도 기록되었습니다.

남자 멀리뛰기에서는 '액티브 베스트' 밀티아디스 텐토글루(그리스)가 2005년생 유망주 마티아 풀라니(이탈리아)와 경쟁하며 대회 3연패에 성공했습니다.

1~6차 시기 텐코글루와 펄라니의 최고 기록은 8m22로 같았습니다.

멀리뛰기에서 가장 좋은 기록이 같으면 두 번째로 좋은 기록으로 순위가 결정됩니다.

텐토글루의 이날 두 번째 최고 기록은 8m 19, 펄라니의 기록은 8m 10이었습니다.

스코틀랜드 태생의 조쉬 커(영국)는 홈 팬들의 응원을 받으며 남자 3,000m에서 7분 42초 98의 기록으로 1위를 차지했습니다.

커는 지난해 부다페스트 아웃도어 세계선수권대회 남자 1,500m에서 제이콥 잉게브리그센(노르웨이)을 꺾고 우승했습니다.

당시 대회에서 가장 큰 반전으로 여겨졌던 결과였습니다.

커는 '최애 선수'로 출전한 이 대회에서 세계 실내 선수권 대회 남자 3,000m에서 우승한 최초의 영국 선수가 되는 영광을 누렸습니다.

여자 60m 결승에서 줄리앙 알프레드(세인트 루시아)가 6초98의 기록으로 에바 스베르보다(폴란드)를 0.02초 차이로 꺾고 우승을 차지했습니다.

알프레드는 세인트루시아 출신으로 세계 실내 육상 선수권 대회에서 시상대에 오른 최초의 선수입니다.

2022 베오그라드 대회에서 한국 육상 최초로 세계실내선수권대회 챔피언에 오른 남자 높이뛰기 우상혁(용인시청)이 한국 시간으로 3일 오후 8시 50분에 2연패에 도전합니다.

Lee Kang-in UCL First Assist, PSG Defeated R Sociedad

Lee Kang-in UCL’s First Assist… PSG Defeated R Sociedad and Advanced to the Quarterfinals for the First Time in 3 Years

PSG wins a total of 4-1 in the first and second games… Lee Kang-in and Mbappe’s joint goal effectively netted.

Lee Kang-in’s first attack P since ‘Table Tennis Gate’… Mbappe is the top scorer with Kane with 6 goals.

Kang-in Lee delivered his team Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) a ticket to the quarterfinals with his first assist in his career in the UEFA Champions League (UCL).

Lee Kang-in was substituted at the start of the second half of the 2023-2024 season UCL Round of 16 away game against Real Sociedad held at Anoeta Stadium in San Sebastian, Spain on the 6th (Korean time), and the team was ahead 1-0 in the second half. 토토사이트

He assisted Kylian Mbappe’s additional goal in the 11th minute.

The last goal jointly scored by Lee Kang-in and Mbappe virtually stopped Real Sociedad, who were trying to turn the tables.

PSG won 2-1, and won 4-1 on aggregate in the first and second games, advancing to the quarterfinals of this competition for the first time in three seasons.

PSG’s next opponent will be decided in the quarterfinal draw held on the 15th.

Lee Kang-in, who scored his UCL debut goal in the group stage match against AC Milan on October 26 last year, recorded his debut assist in this tournament.

It is also the first offensive point that Lee Kang-in has raised for his team since the so-called ‘Table Tennis Gate’, which greatly disappointed fans by colliding with Son Heung-min (Tottenham) at the 2023 Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Qatar Asian Cup held earlier this year.

Lee Kang-in’s accumulated attack points this season increased to 3 goals and 3 assists in official games, including 1 goal and 2 assists in the league.

Mbappe, who was responsible for the first goal on this day and exploded with multiple goals, scored 6 goals in the tournament and moved up one step to joint first place with Harry Kane (Bayern Munich) in the scoring rankings.

Lee Kang-in has contributed to Mbappe’s race to become the UCL top scorer.

On this day at Real Sociedad, Takefusa Kubo, Lee Kang-in’s close friend and rival, led the attack.

While Kubo played the full time, Lee Kang-in was on the pitch throughout the second half, making the ‘Korea-Japan match’ a success on the UCL stage.

Lee Kang-in, who helped PSG win with an attack point, won the game completely at a canter that ended the game without any results.

In the 15th minute of the first half, Mbappe, who received a pass from Ousmane Dembele, scored the first goal with a right-footed curling shot that beat two defenders on the left side of the goal area.

Real Sociedad, on the verge of defeat, launched a counterattack, but the shots missed the goal each time.

PSG, who turned the tide with Lee Kang-in’s replacement, actually put a wedge in the game in the 180th minute with a joint goal by Lee Kang-in and Mbappe in the 11th minute of the second half.

Lee Kang-in attempted a penetrating pass that penetrated the space behind Real Sociedad and Mbappe on the left went in front of the goal and scored with a right-footed shot aimed at the near post.

Real Sociedad pulled one point back with Mikel Merino’s goal in the 44th minute of the second half, but it was too late to turn the game around.

Heungkuk Life Insurance, Led by Kim Yeon-kyung

Heungkuk Life Insurance, Led by Kim Yeon-kyung, Regained the Lead in Women’s Volleyball After 13 Days

Heungkuk Life Insurance, which ‘played one more game’ than Hyundai Engineering & Construction, tied with 73 points.

In the men’s division, Hyundai Capital saved some hope for spring volleyball by sacrificing KB Insurance.

Heungkuk Life Insurance, competing fiercely for the lead in women’s volleyball at the end of the regular season, regained first place after 13 days.

The Heungkuk Life Insurance won against IBK Industrial Bank with a set score of 3-1 (25-20 29-31 25-19 25-17) in the Dodram 2023-2024 V League women’s visiting game held at Hwaseong Sports Complex on the 5th.

Heungkuk Life Insurance, which added 3 valuable points, tied with Hyundai Engineering & Construction (24 wins, 8 losses) with 26 wins, 7 losses, and 73 points.

Heungkuk Life Insurance, which is ahead in terms of number of games won, is first in the rankings. 슬롯사이트

It has been 13 days since the 21st of last month that Heungkuk Life Insurance took first place in women’s volleyball.

However, Heungkuk Life Insurance had three games left and Hyundai Engineering & Construction had four games left until the end of the regular season.

The battle for the lead between Heungkuk Life Insurance and Hyundai Engineering & Construction, which continues until the end of the season,

is expected to be decided in the match between the two teams held at Suwon Gymnasium on the 12th.

It was ace Kim Yeon-kyung who saved Heungkuk Life Insurance in crisis.

On this day, Kim Yeon-kyung scored a perfect score of 36 points, the most for both teams, with 3 blocking and 2 serve aces, but made only 4 mistakes.

Willow Johnson (registered name Willow) also lightened Kim Yeon-kyung’s shoulders with 28 points.

For IBK Industrial Bank, Brittany Abercrombie (registered name: Abercrombie) struggled with 35 points, but was unable to overcome Heungkuk Life Insurance’s wall.

Reina Tokoku (registered name Reina) scored only 9 points, but helped her team secure the victory by scoring 3 valuable points in a row in the 3rd set 13-13 with the set score at 1-1.

Kim Yeon-kyung showed off her instincts as a solver, scoring 5 of the 6 points her team needed to win from the 4th set 19-15 that ended the game.

IBK Industrial Bank of Korea, which lost all six matches against Heungkuk Life Insurance this season, remained in 5th place with 15 wins, 18 losses, and 46 points, making it virtually difficult to advance to spring volleyball.

In the men’s match held at Uijeongbu Gymnasium, Hyundai Capital defeated KB Insurance, the lowest ranked player in the league, with a set score of 3-0 (25-14 25-22 25-19) and revived a glimmer of hope for spring volleyball.

Hyundai Capital lost 9-0 in blocking. 3, and the team attack success rate was 59.21%, which was much higher than KB Insurance, which only recorded 41.02%.

Hyundai Capital’s main gun, Ahmed Ikhbairi (registered name: Ahmed), led the attack with 16 points, including 3 blocking points, while Heo Soo-bong (13 points) and Jeon Gwang-in (11 points) also contributed with double-digit scores.

Yeo Oh-hyun of Hyundai Capital, the oldest professional volleyball player at 45 years old this year, set a record of 8,000 accurate receptions for the first time in her career.

Hyundai Capital, which had been on a winning streak immediately after the launch of Jin Soon-ki’s agency system, fell into a losing streak again and fell to 6th place, gained 47 points (15 wins, 18 losses) with today’s victory.

They have the same points as 5th place KEPCO (16 wins, 17 losses), but they are behind in the number of games won and are in 6th place.

The gap with 3rd place OK Financial Group (18 wins, 15 losses, 52 points), which is within the range of spring volleyball, has been reduced to 5 points.

With only 3 games remaining until the end of the regular season, Hyundai Capital can dramatically advance to spring volleyball if it regains 3rd place or maintains 4th place with a point gap of less than 3 from 3rd place, which is the condition for making the semi-playoffs.

Jeonbuk-Ulsan ACL Quarterfinals 1st Leg 1-1 Draw

Jeonbuk-Ulsan ACL Quarterfinals 1st Leg 1-1 Draw… General Song Min-gyu and General Lee Myung-jae

Jeonbuk-Ulsan, ‘semi-finalists’ in the second round of the quarterfinals on the 12th

The Jeonbuk Hyundai drew with Ulsan HD in the first leg of the quarterfinals of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Champions League (ACL), held in the ‘Hyundai Family Derby’, shouting ‘Generals and Mengs’.

In Jeonbuk’s home game against Ulsan in the first leg of the 2023-2024 ACL quarterfinals held at Jeonju World Cup Stadium on the 5th, Song Min-gyu scored the opening goal in the 4th minute of the first half, but gave up an equalizer to Lee Myung-jae in the 32nd minute of the second half, resulting in a 1-1 draw.

Jeonbuk and Ulsan, who failed to win the first ‘Hyundai Derby’ this season, will decide who will advance to the semifinals in the second leg of the quarterfinals held at Munsu Stadium in Ulsan on the 12th.

Jeonbuk entered the ‘Hyundai derby’ with a 4-4-2 tactic, entrusting Song Min-gyu and Thiago as the two top strikers and Kim Tae-hwan, who transferred from Ulsan, as the right full-back. 카지노사이트

In response, Ulsan used a 4-2-3-1 tactic with last season’s K-League 1 top scorer Joo Min-gyu as the lone striker and Kim Ji-hyun and Eom Won-sang on the left and right wings.

In the early stages of the game, Jeonbuk took the lead with right wing Lee Dong-jun’s fast penetration into the back space.

Jeonbuk scored a goal in the 4th minute of the first half, and the star was Song Min-gyu.

Lee Dong-jun received a pass from central midfielder Lee Soo-bin, broke through to the right side and made a strong cross, and Song Min-gyu, who quickly rushed to the front of the goal, changed the direction of the ball with his right foot and succeeded in scoring.

Jeonbuk, who harassed Ulsan’s defense with a quick counterattack, took the opportunity to score an additional goal when Lee Dong-jun induced a penalty kick in the 22nd minute of the first half.

The moment Lee Dong-Jun attempted to catch a cross from midfield on the right side of the penalty area, Ulsan midfielder Lee Myung-Jae, who was trying to stop him, hit his chest with his left foot and collapsed.

The referee immediately declared a penalty kick.

Thiago, who was recruited from Daejeon Hana Citizen and ranked second in scoring in K-League 1 last season, played as a kicker and attempted to score his first goal since his transfer, but failed to score as his right-footed shot hit the crossbar.

Ulsan, where ‘goal scorer’ Joo Min-kyu had little chance to catch the ball, was most disappointed when Eom Won-sang’s right-footed shot, which broke through to the right of the penalty area in extra time in the first half, was blocked by the goalkeeper.

As the second half began, Ulsan attempted to turn things around by substituting Ataru and Kim Min-woo, the ‘first goal scorers’ of this season’s K League 1, while Jeonbuk countered by replacing midfielder Lee Dong-jun, who helped score the first goal, with midfielder Han Kyo-won.

In the 6th minute of the second half, Ulsan lost a chance to score a decisive equalizer when central defender Hwang Seok-ho, who took part in the attack during a left corner kick situation, slightly missed Jeonbuk’s right goal post.

The 19th minute of the second half, Ulsan strengthened its front-line attack by replacing attacking midfielder Kim Min-hyuk, who suffered bleeding after being stepped on during a goal-fight, with striker Martin Adam.

In the 26th minute of the second half, Martin Adam received Ataru’s penetration pass and attempted a left-footed shot from the penalty area, aiming straight at the goalkeeper, failing to capitalize on the opportunity.

Jeonbuk, which had faltered for a while, was disappointed that in the 30th minute of the second half, Park Jin-seop’s surprise left-footed mid-range shot near the penalty arc was aimed at the left corner of Ulsan’s goal,

but was blocked by a superb save by Ulsan’s ‘Spider Hand’ Cho Hyun-woo.

In the end, Ulsan took advantage of an invisible mistake by the Jeonbuk defense and succeeded in scoring the tying goal.

In the 32nd minute of the second half, defender Jeong Tae-wook fell and kicked the ball in front of Jeonbuk’s goal, and it landed on the toes of Ulsan’s Lee Myung-jae, who was on the left side of the penalty area.

Lee Myung-jae scored with a right-footed shot to bring the game back to square one.

Jeonbuk’s Ahn Hyun-beom’s shot missed the goal in the 40th minute of the second half, and Ulsan’s left-footed mid-range shot in the 41st minute of the second half was blocked by the goalkeeper, ultimately losing the game at 1-1.

Lotte Coach Joo Hyung-kwang, Pitching Staff is Better than in 2019

Lotte Coach Joo Hyung-kwang: “The Current Pitching Staff is Definitely Better than in 2019”

“Young pitchers who have confirmed their potential in the camp, have confirmed their ability against batters in exhibition games”

Regarding Na Kyun-an, who has been involved in a controversy over his private life, “I hope he pitches without problems.”

Pitching coach Joo Hyung-kwang (48), who held spring camp wearing the Lotte Giants uniform for the first time in five years since 2019, smiled and said, “I really enjoyed the camp.”

Coach Joo, who met with reporters at Incheon International Airport on the 5th after returning from spring camp, explained the meaning of his smile with a bright expression, saying, “The current Lotte pitching staff is definitely stronger than in 2019.”

Coach Joo, who was a left-handed pitcher who will forever be remembered in Lotte club history, left the team at the end of the 2019 season and returned to Lotte after five years.

Coach Joo said, “It is definitely different from the 2019 pitching staff. 바카라사이트

All of the pitchers who participated in this spring camp have some level of skill.

In the past, when I finished spring camp, I thought, ‘It will be difficult to put this player in the first team.’

“This year, I want to bring all the pitchers who participated in spring training to the first team,” he said, explaining Lotte’s changed pitching ability.

He said, “Overall, the velocity of our pitchers has increased a lot, and their ability to use breaking balls has also improved.

The biggest achievement of this camp was confirming that there are many pitchers to use in the first team.”

He added, “Last year, Lotte had good results at the beginning of the season, but after the middle of the season, He struggled and finished the season in 7th place.

Overload of the pitching staff may have been one of the reasons, but he expected that there would not be a focus on some pitchers this year.”

The head coach would like to add all 20 pitchers who trained together at spring camp to the first team, but in reality, he has to select 7 to 8 players who were eliminated.

We are already working on finalizing the opening entries.

Lotte is expected to have its first to fourth starters with Charlie Barnes and Aaron Wilkerson, a foreign one-two punch, and Park Se-woong and Na Kyun-an.

In the competition for the 5th selection, Lee In-bok was ahead, and Han Hyun-hee and Kim Jin-wook are considered as ‘alternative selection’ candidates.

The bullpen lineup is Koo Seung-min, Choi Jun-yong, Park Jin-hyung, and Kim Sang-soo, and the closer is expected to be Kim Won-joong.

Coach Joo said, “We have decided on about 9 to 10 pitchers who will be included in the opening lineup, and Coach Kim Tae-hyung will decide on 3 to 4 pitchers through exhibition games.”

He added, “The remaining work to do is to select a bullpen pitcher who will throw long throws.”

There are some problems that the head coach cannot solve.

Na Kyun-an’s wife, A, raised the issue of ‘adultery and assault’, and Na Kyun-an denies this.

Coach Joo Hyung-kwang said, “I hope (Na Kyun-an) can pitch without any problems,” and said cautiously, “We are not preparing only 5 starting resources.

We have 2 to 3 additional resources.”

Barnes, who recently arrived in Sangdong without joining the spring camp to help her wife give birth and raise children, is also subject to inspection by the head coach.

Coach Joo said, “We created a group chat room and updated Barnes’ training situation every day.

Barnes will take the mound in the evaluation match on the 8th, and we will see and confirm in person then.”

Young pitchers will also be tested in the exhibition game that opens on the 9th.

Coach Joo said, “Park Jin, Jeon Mir, Choi Yi-jun, and Woo Kang-hoon threw powerful and fast balls in the spring camp,” and added, “We will see how the young pitchers will compete with batters in the exhibition game.”

If the exhibition game continues as planned by the Hanwha Eagles, the head coach will be able to watch Ryu Hyun-jin (Hanwha) pitch from the opponent’s dugout.

Ryu Hyun-jin plans to pitch in the self-evaluation game on the 7th and then make a final inspection during the exhibition game against the Daejeon KIA Tigers on the 12th and against the Busan Lotte Giants on the 17th.

Coach Joo welcomed, “Having a big pitcher like Ryu Hyun-jin return to Korea and pitch will help increase the popularity of professional baseball.

It will also be a good motivation for our pitchers,” but added, “It hasn’t been long since I returned to Lotte, so for now, I’m better than Ryu Hyun-jin.”

“We need to take a closer look at our pitchers,” he said with a laugh.