Losing you, My Depression

Death becomes me.

I cannot beat it,

Nor do I want to.

Life sucks, and there is no point in living it.

I cry myself to sleep.

Because of you I hurt.

There is no point in being here,

Since life is just a memory.

It is no longer a moment,

Since moments are precious.

Life is just there, with no point to it.

Without you, there is no me.

You completed me...

That is until you used me,

And ripped out my heart.

I dont belong here,

Or anywhere else for that matter.

I want to go away, far far away,

And never come back.

I want to die,

To escape this horrid world.

But...I cant, being tied down by regret.

Regret? For myself? Why?

People want me to live,

But how? How can I live without you?

I cant, or its more like i wont...

Because I no longer exist.

To you. To anyone.

I am NO ONE.

So whats the use in living,

If Death is better?

I dont know anymore.

I want to be taken away.

I want my soul to be free.

Maybe this is the way.
