Rowan waited in the rain impaitently, hopping from one foot to the other expectantly as he waited for the bus that would carry him to his first day of high school, and to his frist day playing an instrument without the stupid rules of his old school.
"Hey Rowan, calm down! A watched pot doesn't boil!" Laughed one of his friends who came with him to live in the rainiest part of New England from their hometown back in the veil.
"Finally." He muttered as the bus came into view, hopping onto the bus before he could reply to his friend's comment. As he neared the back of the bus, away from the stares of the rugular kids, the boy with soaking blond hair and blue eyes got quite a shock as he sat down next to a girl with long brown hair and emerald green eyes.
"Hey Rowan, she's just like you." The boy who commented about the pot murmered as they stared at the girl.
"What are you staring at?" She asked, more than slightly nervous at the six pairs of eyes watching her.
"Your ears," Rowan murmered, "They're just like mine." And so they were. The girl's ears were pointed with two peircings in one ear, and three in the other with a hoop in the top peircing. It was the traditional symbol of one of the oldest races of all times, the race of the Elf.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
The boys watched as the girl's green eyes widened, equally surprised that there was someone else of her kind going to her high school. "Impossible." She murmered, "He told me I was the only true Dweller in the area."
The boys shifted in their seats until finally the red haired one spoke up, "Well, you are the only pure-blooded elf girl here that's not back home in the Veil. Most of the elves here have paired off with witches or shifters, but actually shifters are cousins of the elf so they're still full-blooded elves, and I'm blabbering..." The red haired boy trailed off as everyone's eyes turned to look at him like he was speaking a foreign language.
"So you guys have the crazy idea that i'm an elf?" When they nodded she laughed before growing serious, "Ummmm, I hate to break it to you but... I'm one of the Forest Dwellers, not an elf. Elves only live to be a few hundred years old while my people live to be thousands of years old, that's why there are so few of us. A child is born to a full-blooded dweller only once every one-hundred years..."
"Oh." Rowan said, "Wait, then why do you have pointed ears with peircings like mine?" The girl sighed and rubbed her eyes.
"You guys don't know about the old stories about how our kinds seperated?"
When everyone shook their heads, she sighed and told them the shortened version of the tale. "Elves and Dwellers used to be one race until two brothers married two different girls, one human and the other another Dweller. Because of that single split, the single race became two since the one brother gave up half of his long life to the human, making her the first elf ever."
"I still don't get why we have the same ears." The redhead told them.
"We have the same ears to honor the two brothers who split the Dwellers apart and joined our races with the humans."
"Oh... So you're not an elf?"
She laughed, "No, actually none of you are elves. If you want to be specific about your race, you're just a very diluted Dweller, like me."
"Oh... So we're not elves?"
That time everyone yelled, "No!" at the stubborn redheaded boy.