My Pocket Of Despair

Flowers Blooming
The sun shining bright
A light breeze tickles my face
The birds sing me a lullaby
And the trickling stream harmonizes
A smile forms upon my face
But it is fake, everything is fake
Not real, just an illusion
Soon the picture will change
And I will have thought it was real
No more sunshine and happiness
Just gloom and despair
I imagine this place for comfort
Like a security blanket, nothing special
But it is, and when its gone my hopes are crushed
No more the happy person you see
Except for on the outside
A false smile
With cracks lining it
Be careful, for it is fragile
It can be crushed
My two sides
All a sharade
Do not believe it
Please, save me from this nightmare I've become
Lost in the dark hole of pain
And then I wake up
And it's okay
But at the darkest hour
Of my darkest day
I am that two sides
And nothing can pull me from my pocket of despair
