I'M 17!!!!!

OMG I'm so glad that I'm 17!! It's only another year, but you're only 17 for one year! Yayz!
Thanx to those wishing me a happy day! I'm having a party later, so if I didn't thank you today, there's always tomorrow....
On a more serious note, I found THIS, and it really hit me deep. It kinda explains the inner, somewhat darker me I don;t realeh show alot.....
And I realley likes THIS one too.(it was 4 meh B-day!)

One last thing..I've decided to name meh pet Shizuku.(thanx Hinamori-san!) yeah, I changed the pic 'cause these ones were the ones I had wanted but Sheezyart was down until today, so, yeah, but here he is!! I wiah you all a wonderful day!!
