Monday Edition:

So I looked up my horoscope for today on :
"Today's prospects should suit the dynamic, idealistic being that you are, especially right now. There will be some criticism in the air, and you won't miss an opportunity to punctuate your comments with your famous irony. Your viewpoints on corporate rigidity and conformist attitudes are well known, but today your sense of humor prevails and people listen to you with pleasure!"
LOLz I'm glad my sarcasm will do good!! *evil smirk* Hahaha hey, while we're on homor, I was watching I'm in the Band on Disney X.D. & this stupid joke came up:
" Ash: Knock knock
Tripp: Who's there?
Ash: Ash.
Tripp: Ash who?
Ash: Gesundheit."
It was so corny I laughed. It makes sense if you say it out loud.
There are still 2 foxes up for adoption! Later!
