I watched as Makoto ran over to the stairs. Someone else was over there too, trying to wake up a person sleeping on the stairs. "Why is there someone sleeping there? Of all places to sleep, they collapse there.", I muttered to myself. I turned and began to walk away, but stopped when I figured that this might be a good chance to make friends. I never had friends at my other schools, I was always at the top percentage in my classes so everyone hated me. Though it's not like I cared. I ran backto the group to help with waking up the girl. We shook her shoulders and yelled but she was out of it. "Anyone have any ideas?", I asked as everyone began to think. I hate people who waste others time...I swore that I would rid the world of them, but in the end, it's only a pipe dream. I continued to shake her as Makoto and the others helped get her off the floor away from the foot traffic.
Sleeping on the stairs