It's Izumi!!!!
I got a sob and I smile from her, and class began. It moved like it was there and poof! gone. I walked to my next class, and then I heard a loud siren ring and a teacher announced that it was a code red. What were we supposed to do again? I remember now... Go to the nearest classroom! I turned a corner and saw Shinawa.
"Hey!" I called. "Over here!"
She dashed over, with a angry face.
"You know, I can fend for myself! I don't need your help!" She barked. Ahh! And I thought that she was kind! We ran to the nearest door, which just so happened to be at the end of a long hall, not well lit at all. I toted her down and wiggled the handel. We marched in, but it turns out that we wern't the only ones in there... I rammed into someone hard.
"Hey! Watch it!" Someone yelled.
"Watch where you're going!" A second person yelled.
["Now, now. Settle down my darling hunnies! <3]
"Whoa! Sorry!"
I bet you're as cute as a button when you smile!
And I didn't make Shinawa mean, she has moodiness/ split personities-ish.