Oz-Code Red

"Code Red! This is a Code Red! Proceed to the nearest classroom." Just shut up!!! I wanted to scream at the speakers. They repeat that same sentence at lease once a minute.

So Airi had steamed out of the room before I or Aoi could catch up with her. Misaki had waited for us "Oh thank you Isa!" I bowed to her. Bason and Yukina left pretty soon too. Yu-Yu seemed to be good friends with Airi but i barely knew her or Bason. For it was only the third day of school.
When me, Misaki and Aoi just walked out of the classroom. The code red siren went off with the blinking lights and everything. Aoi made a strange sound and Misaki made a groaning sound. As manly as I am, I jumped and gave off a girly scream.
We all walked back in and did as we always did. The ritual was the same for all schools so we knew what to do: Close the curtains, lock the doors and await further instructions from the teacher. The teacher usually notifies us on what the problem is.
While we were waiting in a nice comfy corner with Aoi laying on my lap (Hehe ADORABLE!) and Misaki sitting up next to me humming a catchy tune I wondered if everyone got to a classroom. I've been in cases like that before where kids thought that that would be a time to wander off campus and the next thing they know, they're kidnapped.
The teacher finally got an e-mail and told us that a girl was missing. She disappeared just after second period ended. Wow I thought It was like, 5 minutes after second period ended and they caught a girl missing? Impressive. Well it is a rich school.
The teachers are to report if they have seen the missing girl or ask the students when they last saw her so the teacher told us the the missing girl was-I almost chocked on my saliva.

Airi Takami
I thank you ZTG for giving me this wonderful oppertunity to send Airi missing.

Oh also. Sorry Rosie to make you character go missing. Heh Heh
