Airi: Time to enter

I screamed. I had the worst dream. I rubbed my head. I dreamed a big ugly spider was chasing me. And then Oz ate it! Eww...I hate bugs.

I rubbed my eyes and I screamed again. I was sleeping on grass. How did that happen? I looked at me cloths and I felt a chill go down my spine. It wasn't my pajama's. I looked around. There was a small pond nearby. I ran over and looked at my reflection.
I was wearing a white top with yellow trimming. I had large gloves. Like REALLY big that spread out like dove wings. I wore a short skirt that I tugged down and cute brown boots. I had a yellow hat with a strange symbol that glowed in the middle. But the wierdest thing of all was my hair. What used to be my shiny white hair was full of light colors. If you turned my head to the left, faint pink and blues glimmered. To the right, faint reds and yellows. If I shook the hair, it looked like a rainbow. My hat covered the top but i spotted little pigtails spurting out. The closer the pigtails got to the hat, the brighter and darker the colors. Right now the pigtails were red and pink.

Not my style at all.
First Pandora post. Its the 15th if you didn't notice. Those who have not posted there contracts, their guestposting status have been revoked. Please pm me if you want to be re added as a guestposter.

The post should have how you got there (It dosn't have to be just waking up there) and then saying what your wearing. If you haven't posted your drawing of your chara (like moi) be sure to make it detailed.

Remeber! Contest has about 10 days left. You can still upload your drawing after the contest is over but you will only get participation prizes. I thinked thats it.

Welcome to Pandora
