Aibori- music

I was sitting in a tree carving a replica of the kitten creature that had been following me everywere. Itwas currently sitting on my shoulders looking at me work. I was trying to figure out a name for the little thing when I started too hear the most beautiful music eve. I fell into some sort of trace as i hopped from tree to tree looking for the source. Whoever was playing was doing it amazingly. I almost felt peaceful...and thats someting i hadnt felt in a while. I stopped in a high branch looking down on the girl Misaki. I had barely talked too her and I wanted to be friends. She didnt seem too know I was there so I sat down and watched her. What I didnt expect too see was the kitten hop down and land on Misaki's head.

"Ahhh what the hell?!" She screamed. I jumped down and tried to grab the kitten but Misaki seemed to feel threatened and her Violen turned into a Katana and she slashed it at me. I shreiked out loud and hit a tree as the breathe was knocked out of me. Everything started too get blurry and my chest felt really warm.

"Owww....thats gonna scar!" I laughed as I passed out. Last thing I heard was The kitten growling...a little too loudly for a small kitten.
