Oz: Aw Swords

I barely noticed when Airi left. My eyes were on the swords, not her. I pulled and yanked but nothing happened. For several minutes I tried.
I screamed in frustration. "JUST COME OUT, DAMN YOU!!!" I was losing it. I was yelling at liveless rock and metal. I tried something else. Maybe I could break the rock. But with what? I used other rocks I found but they just scraped it. Obviously. I was stupid.
I sighed and walked away. Then I stopped. The wierdest urge forced me to turn around at put my hands on the rock. The whole thing glowed red. Something told me to push out against the rock. It continued to grow red and redder untill it exploded. I was flung back. "Aagh!"

When all the dirt and ash cleared away, I was rewarded with two amazingly beautiful swords that were on fire. I didn't think for a second and grabbed them. Surprisingly, the fire didn't affect me. Maybe it was fake. Also on the ground were two matching sheaths that looked like it was made out of the same rock I had somehow just exploded. I grabbed them, hooked them to my wait and sheathed the swords. Wait till I show Airi-...

I stopped. Suddenly frightened I started running where she had set off too. She was just getting food I told myself. Nothing bad could happen. But another part of me was saying, but how do you know how long its been since she left. She did say she was coming back right? What if I got knocked out when I got flung backwards? I ran harder. I was freaking myself out.

Then when I heard the screams, I had no idea what to do.
