Airi: A...Library?

I've read enough books that if you are transported to another world, get amazing powers, and stumble upon a huge tower that you can't see where it ends, that you should just turn around and walk right where you started.
But, also in those books, the character always goes in and something happens. What do you think I did?

I opened the door a crack. And I saw a library. My eyes widened. It was bigger than the Acadamys library. Seeing nothing dangerous I continued to walk in. The next thing I knew, a knife was three inches from my face.

Me and Bason caught up and I found out he had been here for quite a while. Finally the question came up of what I was doing here.

I was hesitant of telling him. But why? "I was looking for...someone." I said slowly.
Bason opened another book. "Oz right?" He said flipping the pages. I sighed.
"Just to apologize!" Picking up a book of my own.
"Then how'd you end up here? You must have a pretty bad sense of direction."
"Im not great at everything." Putting down my book. I walked around. "This is quite a collection of books. These must all be rare too because I've never seen them before." I took another book off the shelf.
