Neumi - MANGE!!!!!

I walked on, gnawingly hungry and faint. Any time now the bad feeling in the depths of my stomach will come up and eat me... I needed something, anything to fill me... Hungry... I passed by a few bushes that carry a berry on them. Looks healthy enough... Plopping one in my mouth, they taste... horrid! Extrememly horrid!! I spit it out. But the taste still remains mouth! Ah. AH. AH! The patheic berry left a burning, hot taste in my mouth! I have no water or ice... Nothing... I bearly have even any nice, non-degreaded clothes... A shirt that fit like a long dress and pants of rags that was covered in rags. No shoes or hat. I felt like a prisioner... But hey, doesn't the prisioner always become the chosen one? Right? Maybe... I don't know. I got hurt, most likely stepped on something, and sat down underneath a tree. My foot was full of little holes where blood was spilling out. The size was small, but there was a lot of them... I thoughtlessly ripped my nasty shirt and rapped the strip around the punctures.
My sutupid stomach grummbled... Man... I'm starved, still! What else and I to do? For the while I'll just follow my nose, I guess...
