Airi: Ready!

I stared wide eyed as Bason made a giant sword and shield out of smaller knives! How come I couldn't do that?
I took a few steps back. How was I supposed to fight him when I had a bow?

Your bow is not only for far away combat Someone whispered to me.

Huh? Who was that? Not only for far away combat...I stared at it. Was it just me or were the edges especially sharp...
I remembered when I was fighting those banshees. I was wacking them. Maybe I could do the same thing just aiming more...

"Ready?" Bason smiled mischieviosly.
"Yeah!" I took a fighting position, bow in hand.

He charged at me. I felt my limps stiffin. I wanted to turn around and run. I mean, imagine someone with a confident face, charching you with huge weapons! Its scary!

And with that I dove toward his feet and slashed at his knee. I hit him and immediately I felt bad as the blood splurted out. But then he kicked me in the shoulder knocking me over and I felt okay again. I smiled at him, rubbing my shoulder.

"Now its war." And we both went in for another hit.
