Oz-Where Did Everyone Go...

Me and Aoi set out of the library. Although I did pocket a few books that contained useful information about fire. But soon we found that we didn't know where to go. "Where did everyone go..." She asked me.
"Well Im sure Matoko and Aibori are still at the camp site. Maybe we should go back there first then all leave in one back. Im not sure where Misaki went...I noticed her come in but then she was gone just as quickly..."
"How did you notice her when we were fighting?" Aoi asked me with her eyebrows raised.
"Um...I used all six senses." I suggested. She shook her head and walked towards the direction we came from.

When we got to camp Matoko and Aibori were still here.

"You guys didn't come back." Aibori pouted cutely.
"We were worried for a bit." Matoko said fiddling with something.
"Well we're here. Now how bout we catch up with everyone else?" I suggested.
