Hey I am Scorcher. This will be the main place where I,um, am, but I may create new worlds as I need them. I will post videos that I'm sure will entertain you as well as blurps and stories I find funny. I will also post artwork tutorial and other things!!
Same as always!,
- Created By Scorcher
So, officially, our cat is having kittens (again). While I am mortified that this happened again, I can't help but be excited to help raise some kittens. I had made an appointment to get her spayed but she got out and she is a VERY promiscuous kitty.
And I cannot and will not do kitty abortions. EVER.
This cat, Ninja, is one of those lovely stories where a stray cat just somehow makes you adopt her. We actually thought for a long time that she was male until the day we found her first litter of kittens in the front yard.
And we couldn't just drop her at a shelter....
She's an older cat and not as adoptable as most cats down there. ( is what they would say at least) I a an animal activist and I can't drive her down there knowing she's being taken to her death. SO now she is a permanent resident and I LOVE her. She's sweet and extremely affectionate. Her tail is always in the shape of a question mark. (will post pics on feline ferocity soon)
The main reason I dislike the idea of having kittens again is the difficulty of finding homes for them. And its about $50 to drop them at the humane society (which I don't have) and you never know if they are over crowded or not. Plus it is haert wrenching to see them go.
But I digress.... (sorry for ranting)
I'll post pics of the kitties when they are born. They should be born late April. And I'll post pics weekly afterward so you all can watch them grow too.
A Startling Awakening
So, I woke up yesterday morning to a bird going full speed into my window.
I flung my self awake and rushed to save the poor thing. We have two large dogs in the yard that are less than friendly to birds. When I got out there my dog, Luna, already had it in her mouth. I refused to let get torn to shreds, dead or not. I screamed at her and she spat it out but quickly ran to pick it up again. I got her off it but now the other dog was heading over. I scooped it up in old cloth and ran inside.
Taking a minute to breathe I examined the bird. The little dove was alive but I thought it'd been scalped. Luckily, its feathers had just been pulled out. I was allowed to keep it inside so I set it up in an old cage we had in the front yard. I kept an eye on it all day and this morning I woke up and it was fine.
I was soooooo relieved!!!!! I'm guna keep taking care of it until I'm confident it can fly, but yeah. Smiles all around!!!!
Sorry it's kind of a weird post after so loong but I was so happy I had to share!
To all fans of Durarara!! and anime in general. There is a petition that needs signing. In order to have the second season of Durarara!! come to America we must collect 10,000 signatures. Insane? No. The number of signatures has already reached 9,168. I ask that you, your family, and friends sign. Help bring more anime to the states!!!
Go to this website:
Or, search " durarara season 2 petition" on Google.
I finally got promoted. Otakuite++ BABY!!!
I've been on here since 2004 and just got promoted. YEEEAAAH!!!!
I'm so excited!!!
I've been feeling rather isolated lately. Once summer started I've had almost no computer time. Needless to say, I'm going crazy. And I haven't been able to fulfill any of the challenges I took on. Its killing me, it really is. So I hope anyone isn't too upset with me for not being on much lately. Its virtually impossible during the summer for me to get computer access. I have been stuck in my house for almost an entire week. And in the Arizona heat with no A/C that is torture. So before going insane from boredom, I started going with my mother to her school to help set up her room. And post here and there.
Will post again soon ( hopefully with some art....)