well i finaly figures out how to post fanfictions on this darn site. well this is a crossover fiction b/w naruto and wolfs rain. and i'll be nice and give you alla sneek peek b4 i post the accualy chaper (no idea when i'll post it^^')
*--Sneek peek--*
--Chapter one--
The last thing Toboe remembered was darcia shooting him and Quent holding him, then darkness. He opened his golden brown eyes and looked around. He was lying on the ground; soft green grass lay below him. He sat up and looked around at the surrounding forest.' I’ve never seen a forest this big or lively!' He though as he listened to some blue birds sing. He stretched and sighed in content. Then he took another deep breath. 'The air here smells so...so...clean! It’s amazing'. He stood up and began to run. Toboe just couldn't help the strong impulse to move. After running two miles straight, he stopped, not because he was tired but because he had caught a familiar scent...humans.
He could hear voices, they where near by. The scent he caught was human but still smelled dangerous for some reason. Toboe being the curious pup that he was continued forward towards the smell. 'They’re just humans after all...I’m a wolf, i can handle a couple humans.' he thought as he continued in the direction of the humans.
Toboe entered a clearing; the whole clearing stunk of humans. He winkled his nose; the smell of humans was mixed with the scent of sweat, blood, and another strange scent he couldn't identify. CRACK his sensitive hearing picked up the crack of a twig. a large gust of wind blinded Toboe for a minute. When he opened hi eyes, he saw he was surrounded buy seven humans. They wore an assortment of clothing, but they all had faded black hooded cloaks.
"What've we got here?" said one of the men. He was tallest of the humans and gave off a dangerous aura.’ he must be the alpha of the group' Toboe stared straight at him.
"He’s not wearing a headband, he must not be a ninja"
While Toboe wondered what a ninja was another man piped up "let’s just take all he‘as and kill the brat" Toboe froze, they wanted to kill him? The men in the circle all gave noises of approval. "Sounds good to me” said the leader. Toboe gulped, ‘what now?!' He wondered as the men closed in around him.