- Created By xxem0crayonxx
i dont want you to leave without dancing with me!
been a veryveryveryvery
long time since i posted in this.
i might be getting back into this.
when i say jump, you say, how high?
Hah raawwrr!. (title is from jump - by flo rida ft nelly furtado) Mmm... so whats up everyone? :P swinnee!!! its attacking my school. i love it. all the obnoxious preppy children are getting s...Yep
i make my backgrounds for my world flashy and obnoxious.
just to give you guys seziurs.
i should start posting more.
i just like.
let this world diiee.
are YOU on a boat?
oh its been the longest time.
Its been awhile since i updated this...
Oh well.
Lets just say lifes effin crazy.