Name: Matsujun aka Matsu
Gender: male
Age: 19
Hair color: pure white
Hair style: down to just below the shoulders, and he has light bangs over his forehead.
Eye color: yellow
Looks: Matsujun is tanned to the point that the contrast of his white hair against his skin is somewhat stark. He has a white tattooed line that goes across one side of his face, up the bridge of his nose, and down the other side of his face all but cutting his face in half, but it appears more of a cut rather than an actual tattoo. He has another tattoo on the left side of his neck that resembles the one on the side of his face except wider. He has a gauged piercing in his left ear that forms a bracket up to the top of his ear. He normally wears dark clothes such as black leather jackets and dark underclothes giving the contrast to his hair an even more sudden impression. He wears dark pants as well as dark shoes. At his left side is a coma bow staff that serves as his spiritual medium.
Personality: calm and peaceful, Matsujun serves as a sort of social stand between Nino and other people. Matsu often tires to keep Nino's attitude that usually causes social problems at bay by serving as a lighter medium. However, Nino often becomes agitated with this show of slight delicacy and will often get angry at Matsujun for it. However, it is in Matsu's nature to be calm to Nino even when this aggression is shown.
Background: Growing up in a family completely filled with shamans, Matsu became very at peace with spirits and understanding to their needs in life.As a child, he often made sure to give ghosts a chance to explain themselves and grow a bit before passing on to the afterlife. However, after a series of ghosts attacks, Nino began to start keeping up his guard against ghosts as much as possible. Matsu was thirteen when he met Nino and seemed to try desperately to make sense of Nino's dark behavior towards ghosts. Believing that Nino needed a fried more than anything, Matsu began to start following Nino around. However, Nino made no strive to scare Matsu off and rather seemed at peace with this quiet company. Finally, one day Nino explained what had happened to him on his thirteenth birthday, and Matsu tried to explain back that spirits were just trying to cope. This caused a division between the two boys for a long time until once again, Matsu out of his own nature, said his apologies and once again became on peaceful terms with Nino. When both boys were fifteen, Nino asked if Matsu would accompany him in hunting ghosts, and feeling that it was his part as a friend, Matsu agreed. Both men how hunt ghosts, but Matsujun often tried to calm Nino's ruthlessness.
Expertise: shamanistic medium fighter
Mother: Maiomi
Father: Sanosuke
Anything else exciting that we need to know: nope.
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