Alright you two, Nino, Matsu, I want you to answer these questions separately, and as fully as you can. ^_^
Nino: …. KC…. I swear… if you don’t unstrap me from this chair I’m going to!...........
Matsu: ^^; well hello Miss Kratos and how are you today? Good I take it? Good. Well I will certainly try and comply with what you ask.
Alright first question, what is your favorite kind of food?
Nino:…. Sweets…. Any types of sweets….
Matsu: ^^; I actually prefer to cook food rather than eat it you see… and Nin-kun I think she meant actual food….
I see. I see. Alright, if you could have anything right now, what would be one thing you wanted?
Nino:…. You to shut up and stop making me take this quiz.
Matsu: DX Nino! Come now -.-;;; don’t be so mean…. ^^; I would like some cooking supplies maybe… I was hoping to make pastrami tonight.
Ok, so do you guys have any relatives?
Nino: =_= don’t tell me you brought Aiba here *forms a spirit barrier around himself*
Matsu: ^^; sadly, I am an only child.
Nice, do you guys have any cool dreams to speak of? Like ya know when you’re asleep and dreaming?
Nino:…….. you can’t be serious. I don’t get enough sleep to say I have any of those.
Matsu: ^^; *sighs* I sometimes dream about flying… but I always trip over a bird in the sky….
o.O; ok…. So have you guys ever done anything that you never thought you would do? And if so what would it be.
Nino:………………………… I went skinny dipping =_= there happy?
KC: *nosebleeds to death* x-X
Matsu: o_o *gets a medical kit* MISS KRATOS! MISS KRATOS!
^^;; I’m ok now I swear. Alright, next question, what is your favorite color and why?
Nino: is this some deep evolutional thought that you wish us to convey?
KC: ^^ Nope.
Matsu: my favorite color is white X3 the mixture of all colors!
Nino: ………. I prefer black… because it is the absence of color.
Ah, so what is one of your petpeves?
Nino: people who smack their gum should die.
Matsu: o.O; ^^; I dislike when people leave messes…. I always end up cleaning them up ;_;
Aw… do you have any goals in life?
Nino:……. Yes.
KC: and they are? ^^???
Nino: none of your business.
KC: DX wait what?
Matsu: ._. *sighs and pats KC on the head* It’ll be ok.
So what is your favorite number?
Nino: 666
Matsu: :D 7!
Uhuh…. So you wake up one morning, and you find someone has taken your last copy of “Beach Girl’s” Magazine. What do you do?
Nino:…………… what is that? *blinks*
Matsu:…. *blinks as well*
Oh ^^;;; I’m sorry… right right… hahah. So Nino, did you have any thoughts as you were about to kidnap Ryuu?
Nino:…….. I never planned to kidnap him. Feeding people is too expensive now a days.
Matsu: HAHHAHAHAHAH. Indeed, we keep running out of money *sad face*
How do you feel about Pi?
Nino:……….. 3.14…………….
Matsu: ^^; how am I supposed to feel?
Ok…… Any dark secrets?
Nino:….. I killed a man… with this finger *holds up a finger*
Matsu: *is rofling on the floor* xD God above, I love that movie.
Nino: *sighs and half smirks to himself*…………..
How do you feel about fangirls?
Nino:……….. make them go away………….
Matsu: ^^ oh is that what they are called? I just gave them cookies and sent them on their way.
O-k….. Matsu, you always seem very happy. Have you ever snapped before?
Matsu: ^^ actually I have. It was not very pleasant, I must say. After murdering an entire town and then burning it to the ground with screaming people trying to flee for their very lives, one must always remember the times that he loses control.
Nino:………….. -.- *smirks to self and half laughs*
o.O;;;; lol? .__. So… do you guys have any pets?
Nino: *points to Nani*
Matsu: ^^ yes we have a sweet dear named Nani. She’s a good cat, somewhat strange, but a good cat none the less.
Nani: nayo?
^^ ah I see cute. So what sports have you been in?
Both of them: *look at each other and then look back* all of them.
Oh cool! Have you ever just stood in the rain.
Nino: …….. yes.
Matsu: it makes me cold….
Aw I see…. How about you explain more about your powers!
Nino: …. Not on your life.
Matsu: I’m empathic to a certain extent, and I can heal people pretty easily. I don’t have as strong an offense as Nin-kun has *sighs* but he makes up for it I guess.
Sooooooo how long have you two known each other?
Nino: too long.
Matsu: ^^; nearly all our lives…..
Woah that’s a long time, do either of you want to grow up and have kids one day?
Nino:………. No.
Matsu: yes :D D: aiyaaaa Nino!
Are you currently crushing on anyone?
Nino:………………………… no.
Matsu: ^^ hah the childish way you say the word crush makes me laugh, dear.
Aw well… I can’t think of anything else….
Nino: will you unstrap me now?
Matsu: ^^;;;
KC: if anyone else has questions, please feel free to comment, and I’ll keep Nino stranpped to the chair for ya :D
X3 and because you were awesome~ I got more questions! Here we go!
Nino: DX< SON OF A!
Matsu: ^^ peachy~
Here are a few questions from Artgrrl :3 Are you a virgin?
Matsu: o.O;;;; ._.; yes dear, I am. ^^; *sighs*
KC: *hides behind a screen* <<;;;
Are you Straight, Gay, or Bi?
Nino: T_T straight
Matsu: ^_^ I prefer to be selfish and keep my options open. I'm Bi.
Nino: Bi people are selfish -.-
Matsu: =/
Who would win in a fight? Nino or Matsu?
Nino: -.- Me.
Matsu: ^^; Nino.
KC: <_< no real confidence, hu Matsu?
Matsu: ^^ not that, I just know Nin-kun'd be pretty angry to fight me hahaha. .___. I wonder what I did wrong... DX NINO! WHAT DID I DO ;A; I'm sorry?
Nino:....... *pats Matsu on the head* T_T It will be alright
Matsu: ;~; *sob*
:D oh and now Ryuu wants to know what the shards are for!
Nino: -.-............. like I would say that out loud.
Matsu: ^_^ think of the seven vices of the world, dear, and you might get a clue. *is punched by Nino* >.<;
Now for more that I thought up last night. Would you rather play soccer in high heels or play barefoot on spiked covered grass?
Nino: spikes in the grass.
Matsu: o_e Heels..... *has freaked out memories about heels*
KC: D: I'm sorry Matsu!
Ahem... So since you're both shamans, why don't you tell us more about spirit weapons.
Nino: spirit weapons are extensions of one's on manna or rather spiritual energy in lameness terms. With enough flowing manna and a dynamic imagination, one can change their spirit weapon into any form they chose. However, manna is not a material object in the end but is more a form of energy, so it does not break the law of physics set down by those prior to this generation. It rather actually works with it for it is just flow of energy down a turbine if you will understand the analogy. Going back to forms, spiritual weapons take weaker forms for the first few times that one uses it, but as one becomes more controlled, he can change the spiritual flow of his own energy and morph the spirit energy to anything he wants. The first spirit items that western shamans used was their masks to protect themselves from spirits that they chose to summon. However, in this day and age, it is more adapt to change your spirit weapon into something that resembles modern day weapons which is why I chose mine to normally function as a gun. However, there are some still out there that prefer to change their energy into items of lesser use such as bows and arrows. In the end, it becomes personal choice, and yet one needs to remember how they are limiting themselves.
KC: O__O HOLY MOLY! ._. that was a lot... coming from the guy who doesn't talk much....... *falls over twitching*
Matsu: ^_^ hah..... Nin-kun is correct though.
x__x ok... you guys just fried my brain.... uh.....*falls over* any more questions anyone can think of?
Matsu: ._. m... I feel like making a pie.....
Lol, one question from Inufluffy: If a little girl ran up to you and called you 'daddy' what would you do?
Nino:........... *blinks*........................... -.- I don't have kids. so what does it matter.
Matsu: .___. well.... m.... it appears we would need a discussion on the birds and the bees then....
X3 woot and yet more questions from Artgrr!
Nino: T_T aw hell.....
Matsu: ^-^ yay!
What kind of music do you like?
Nino: -.- rap and screamo
Matsu: ^^ I've always been fond of rock and hip hop
Have you ever been on a date?
Nino:..................... yes...........
Matsu: ^_^ indeed
Are you single?
Nino: -.- yes.
Matsu: =P I believe Nino's gonna end up marrying his cat one day *sighs*
Nino: DX< MATSU!
Matsu: ^^;;; twas a joke I swear! Oh... and Yes I am single at the moment ^^
So it was brought up that Puck thinks your gay for each other. How do you respond?
Nino: *pulls out gun*........ >XD TIME TO GO PIXY HUNTING!
Matsu: ^^;;; oh dear... we're all good and dead now....
o.O;;; don't hurt the guy D8...... Anyways, what is a bad habit you have?
Nino: -.- I'm gonna smoke till I die.
Matsu: ^_^; some people find my personality annoying.....
What is one embarrassing thing from your childhood.
Nino: -_-; Aio dumped water on me.
Matsu: XD HAH! <.< >.>; I once got lost in a mini-mall....
o.O who is Aio?
Matsu: ._. *sighs* dead.
O-O I'm sorry! >-< sorry sorry sorry sorry! *epic bows* Uh...uh... if you were caught on any game show what would be your choice of game show?
Nino:.... the British appear to be obsessed with Deal or No Deal.....
Matsu: XD Has anyone ever seen "Trapped on a Japanese Game Show?"
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Nino: T_- I'd get away from you that's for sure.
Matsu: :3 I've always had my eye on a Hawaii trip...
..LoL.... So what is your favorite old cartoon? Ya know the good stuff!
Nino: -.- Tom and Jerry.
Matsu: XD me too!
Do you liek Mudkipz?
Nino: T_- KC you sponge stop stealing questions from people
Matsu: why yes I liek Mudkipz.
KC: ;-; I'm not a sponge....
Have you ever had a near death experience?
Nino: plenty of them.
Matsu: ^_^; indeed.
If someone gave you 100 dollars would you preform "fan service?"
Nino:... KC... I order you to get your mind out of the gutter.... NOW!
KC: o-o;;; >x>;;;
Matsu: <_< I don't understand this "fan service" you speak of. Does it involve tradition Japanese fans?
What would be your theme song if you had one?
Nino: Bleed it Out by Linkin Park
Matsu: ^_^ um.... something by Switchfoot......
Do you bite your nails?
Nino: ........ are you stupid?
KC: DX what??? meanie ;-;
Matsu: actually I take very good care of my nails.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Nino: as a corpse jocky
KC: o_O;;; wait what?
Matsu: ^^; I want to open a bakery some day.....
And Artgrrl has more questions! :D <3
Matsu: ^_^ aw cute. More?
What's your favorite movie?
Nino: ...... Saw 1 through 4.
Matsu: The Notebook ;-; it was so cute.....
Nino: *punches Matsu*
What's your favorite TV show?
Nino: as of now?....... -.- I don't have time for TV.
Matsu: I like watching Days of Our Lives when I get the chance xD
Did you ever had a crush on anyone?
Nino:......... Aoi................................ *sighs*
Matsu: -.-;;;; *sighs*
Ryuu wants to know how comfortable the chair is, Nino.
Matsu: ._. who knows it could be one of those terrible hard ones >.<
8D More questions! I found some on a sheet and decided to ask them. =U some are repeats *sigh*
1. Who was the last person to call you babe?
Nino:............... I'm not that type of person -_-
Matsu: ._. uh.....................
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
Nino: ............. no.
Matsu: ^-^ I make it a good habit to!
3. If you had to kiss the last person you kissed, would you?
Nino:.............. -_-; no.
Matsu: ^-^ of course!
4. Has someone ever sang a song to you?
Nino:...................... yes.
Matsu: ^-^ yes!
5. Do you play Sudoku?
Nino: T_T sometimes....
Matsu: oh a lot actually.
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness would you survive?
Nino: yes
Matsu: o~o;;; if the bears don't eat me.
7. Have you danced in the rain?
Nino:........ stood... *palm/Kratos*
Matsu: .__.;
8. Would you consider yourself a jock/prep/goth/emo/gangster?
Nino:........... *sighs* emo -_-
Matsu: XD I can so pull of gangster!
9. Ever been to the beach?
Nino: yes
Matsu: mhm!
10. Do you like cheese?
Nino:...... -_- not really a fan
Matsu: yes somewhat ^-^
11. Have you ever been to the emergency room?
Nino: too many times
Matsu: >.< owie
12. Do you like hot or cold weather more?
Nino: cold
Matsu: ^-^ hot!
13. How many different kinds of meat have you eaten?
Nino: ........ *starts counting*........... 30
Matsu: dunno....
14. Do you break things and blame it on others?
Nino: *breaks a window* -.- ah insurance will cover it.
Matsu: <.<;;;;
15. Do you like winter?
Nino: yes
Matsu: >x< sooooooooooo coooooooooooooollllllldddddddd DX
16. Have you wiped a booger under your desk?
Nino:......... what.
Matsu: o.O;;; ew
17. Do you have a secret crush?
Nino:................. no.
Matsu: ^.^ not at the moment
18. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you would do?
Nino: kill the demon that set it on fire -_-
Matsu: <.< fire department!
19. Would you get plastic surgery?
Nino: depends
Matsu: indeed
20. Who do you text the most?
Nino: Matsu
Matsu: Nino
KC: =U you guys are so gay
Both: T_T o_O
21. What color are your eyes?
Nino: dark blue
Matsu: ^-^ yellow
22. How tall are you?
Nino: -.- tall
Matsu: ^^; somewhat tall.....
23. Do you wish you had smaller feet?
Nino: T_T why the heck would I wish that?
Matsu: ._. no... I kinda like my shoe size.....
24. Has a rumor been spread about you?
Nino: yes -_-
Matsu: =/ sadly.....
25. Have you written a secret admirer letter?
Nino:............ no -_-
Matsu: a long time ago....
26. Ever fallen for your best friend?
Nino: *takes twenty steps away from Matsu*
Matsu: ;_;....................
27. Age you lost your virginity?
Nino: T_- did I not already tell you to shut the heck up?
Matsu: ._.;
28. Would you pretend to like something to please your partner?
Nino: -.- no
Matsu: yes.....
29. Favorite Ex?
Nino: *gets out gun* want to test me more
KC: o.O How did you get out of your chair, Nino?
Nino: I have my ways
Matsu: ._.
30. Are you insecure about your weight?
Nino:............ <_< I'm hungry
KC: you didn't even answer the question.
Matsu: 8D oh I'll cook something!
31. Ever had a sexual fantasy?
Nino:.... are you sure your head needs to be that far in the gutter?
Matsu: o_o what the ................
32. Would you rather give or receive?
Nino: neither
Matsu: :D GIVE!
33. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
Nino: eat
Matsu: sleep
34. Do you look like your mom or dad?
Nino: -.- neither
Matsu: ^^; not really sure actually...
35. How long does it take you in the shower?
Nino: fifteen minutes tops
Matsu: at least twenty minutes
36. Do you watch reality tv?
Nino: no
Matsu: nope
37. What movie do you want to see right now?
Nino: -.- something bloody
Matsu: ^-^ Alice in Wonderland!
Nino: <_<;
38. Do you illegally burn music?
Nino: who doesn't?
Matsu: D: I don't!
39. What did you do for New Years Eve?
Nino: drank beer and went to bed.
Matsu: same ._.
40. Do you think The Grudge was crappy?
Nino: not really
Matsu: kinda ._.
41. Last sporting event attended?
Nino: T_- track tournament
Matsu: um... the winter Olympics
42. Have you been to an IMAX theater?
Nino: too expensive
Matsu: once when I was younger....
43. Was your mom a cheerleader?
Nino: <_< no she was a Temple Guard.
Matsu: ._. nope
44. Were you a planned pregnancy for your parents?
Nino: -_-; now why would you ask that....
Matsu: o.O I dunno....
45. What is your middle name?
Nino: Seth -.-; leave it to my parents to go with a western middle name
Matsu: ^-^ well ya see... I don't really have one of those ._.
46. How old was your mom when she gave birth to you?
Nino:....... T_- 22
Matsu: ._. uh... 30 I think....
47. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
Nino: -.- about 1
Matsu: I try and get as much as I can =/
48. Last time you had sex?
Nino: -_- you really need to get your brain checked
Matsu: .__. never........
49. What do you buy at the Movies?
Nino: M&Ms
Matsu: ^-^ popcorn
50. Do you know how to play poker?
Nino: -.- yes
Matsu: .x.;;; sadly yes
51. Do you wear your seatbelt?
Nino: sometimes
Matsu: ^_^ ALWAYS!
52. What do you wear to sleep??
Nino:........... pants.
Matsu: <.< usually the clothes I went to bed with >.> what do ya mean?
53. Anything big ever happen in your town?
Nino: -.- ghost haunting
Matsu: XD HAH!
54. Is your hair straight or curly?
Nino: straight
Matsu: kinda wavy sometimes <.<; it curls a tad up in the back on random days xD;;;;
55. Is your tongue pierced?
Nino: no
Matsu: ew....
56. Do you like Liver and Onions?
Nino: it will suffice
Matsu: depends on how it is cooked
57. What is your favorite sushi?
Nino: vegetable
Matsu: D8 how can you do that to me? I like them all!
58. Do you like funny or serious people better?
Nino: serious
Matsu: :D funny!
59. Ever been to Hollywood?
Nino:............. nope
Matsu: nope. ._. where is that?
60. Who is on your mind right now?
Nino: -.- no one
Matsu: <.< not really thinking at the moment
61. Any plans for tonight?
Nino: work
Matsu: *sigh* ;-; more work
62. Last party attended?
Nino: T_T rave........
Matsu: <.< Nino's birthday party
63. Do you hate chocolate?
Nino: depends...
Matsu: not really =/
64. What do you and your parents fight about the most?
Nino: <_< did you just call me Nin-chan T_T;;;;;
65. Are you a gullible person?
Nino: -.- no
Matsu: ^^ sometimes
66. Ever go to a theme or costume party?
Nino: sadly T_-
Matsu: yes!
67. If you could have any job what would it be?
Nino: T_- I already have a pretty good job
Matsu: ^^ chef
68. Are you easy to get along with?
Nino: no
Matsu: ^^;;; I try to be....
69. What is your favorite time of day?
Nino: -.- dusk
Matsu: early morning
70. Are you a generally happy person?
Nino: no
Matsu: .... ^_^;;; I try to be!