My Interview

*Alright, so here is my interview with Elle and Emiko!*

Me: So, I'd like to start off by saying thank you for coming!
Em: Get on with this already. I have better things to do
Elle: Thank you for inviting me.
Me: Shut up, Emiko! The sooner you comply, the sooner you can leave!

Me: So, state your first names, please!
Em: *sighs* This is stupid, but Emiko Rae Suihara.
Elle: Elliana Jo Suihara.

Me: Can you remind everyone how the two of you are related?
Em: Cousins.
Elle: Her father and my father are brothers. My family is richer than hers, however.
Em: Who cares about that?
Elle: Everyone...

Me: Ok, next. Why don't you tell us all one of your most embarrassing stories from when you were kids?
Em: I don't think so.
Elle: Once, when I was seven and Emiko was five, she dressed up as a princess and paraded around the neighborhood kissing every boy she laid eyes on.
Em: *embarrassed beyond belief (she would not be caught dead in a dress!) Ya, well, Elliana went up to the principle in the third grade and gave him a kiss if he would give her an A on a test she had failed. *looks satisfied*
Elle: *Turning beat red* At least I never went to jail when I was twelve!

Me: *cuts in* Ok, let's go on ahead. What's your dreams for the future?
Em: I like what I'm doing
Elle: Modelling. I want to send a lot of my money to charity. I want to help people.
Em: Then go into the police force, or the army. *mumbles* maybe that would get you out of my hair for awhile
Elle: Like you are doing any good for human kind
Em: I'm doing great things! I'm helping ease the mind!

Me: What about families?
Em: What about them?
Elle: I'd like to have kids and a husband in the next ten years sometime.
Em: I suppose I'd like to settle down eventually.

Me: That kind of surprises me, Emiko. But, anyway, what deep dark secret are you hiding from the world?
Em: If I was hiding a secret from the world, I would let it out on an interview because...?
Elle: For once, I would have to agree with the dimwit over there.
Em: That better not have been applied to me!
Elle: .....

Me: Romance?
Em: >.> Have you seen my life? Do I have the time?
Elle: Eh, I've had boyfriends here and there. I currently dumped my last boyfriend a few days ago.
Me: why was that?
Elle: He was getting a bit too clingy. He wanted to know where I was all the time, whom I was with, etc.
Em: You go through boyfriends like I exterminate ghosts.
Elle: So, not very often then, huh?
Em: You are a dick weed, you know that?
Me: Hey now, this is a family friendly interview, if you don't shut the eff up, I will have to get a little violent, Emiko!

Emiko: Is this stupid thing over yet! I have to go finish my job!
Elle: I would also like to go as I need to get to a modeling gig.
Me: Well, I suppose that's it for now.

Here are some more questions!
1.)What's your name?
Emiko: >.> Emiko
Elle: Elliana

2.)Do you know why you were named that?
Emiko: Not a clue
Elle: I don't have the slightest idea

3.) Are you single or taken?
Emiko: Single -.-
Elle: On again off again. Currently off. Anyone interested?
Me: Don't advertise yourself like that!

4.) Have any abilities or powers?
Emiko: Yep
Me: Aren't you going to elaborate?
Emiko: Nope.
Me: -.- Elle?
Elle: There is no such thing as ghosts...

5.) Stop being a mary-sue
Emiko: Excuse me? Who you calling a Mary-sue? If anyone is here, it's Elle.
Elle: What?!

6.) Uh...if you were to get in a fight with a strong wrestler, do you think you'd win?
Emiko: Sure do.
Elle: T.T Probably not.
Emiko: Ya, 'cause you are too dainty. God forbid you get hurt!
Elle: Psh, like you would win, look at those skinny little arms, how would accomplish anything?

7.) Riiiight... Have any family members?
Emiko: ...... No *get's sad thinking of her family*
Elle: I have parents, and three older sisters, and I'm related to that monkey *points at Emiko*
Emiko: You only wish we were related
Elle: Not on my life

8.) Oh? How about pets?
Emiko: Don't have time to care for anything.
Elle: Ya, 'cause you can barely take care of yourself.
Emiko: Let me guess, you have a poodle back home?
Elle: A chihuahua, thank you very much!
Emiko: *facepalm*

9.) Cool, I guess. Tell me something that you don't like.
Emiko: *looks at Elle*
Elle: *looks at Emiko*

10.) Something that you do like?
Emiko: ...... anything spicy!
Elle: Modelling

11) Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Emiko: Well, I don't really have free time, but when I do, I love basketball and other sports
Elle: Swimming, hiking, skiing, reading, shopping!

12.)Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Emiko: *looks away* yes...
Elle: Of course

13.)Ever...killed anyone before?
Emiko: Not a live human
Elle: Nope, I'd hire people to do that
Me: Whoa, really?
Elle: It was a joke. Note the sarcasm in my voice

14.)What kind of animal are you?
Emiko: I'm not an animal
Elle: I'd be a bird, so I can fly over everything!

15.)Name your worst habits.
Emiko: I guess, I'm too serious with my job
Elle: I slack off a lot

16.)Do you look up to anyone at all?
Emiko: Used to... not anymore
Elle: Nah, I'm already at the top!

17.)Gay, straight, or bi?
Emiko: straight
Elle: straight

18.)Do you go to school?
Emiko: Graduated at 15
Elle: Graduated already

19.) Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Emiko: Maybe one day
Elle: It would be ideal

20.)Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Emiko: God, I hope not!
Elle: I get mail from them everyday

21.)What are you most afraid of? I promise I won't laugh
Emiko: Nothing
Elle: She's afraid of being alone
Emiko: Shut up, Elle! Well, Elle is afraid of snakes!

22.)*snicker* Ok, ok. What color is your hair?
Emiko: Red
Elle: Black

23.) Eyes?
Emiko: Blue
Elle: Green

24.) What do you usually wear? Nothing perverted
Emiko: Whatever I feel like
Elle: Usually name brand clothes from top of the line shops

25.)Ok. What's your religion?
Emiko: I quit believing a long time ago...
Elle: Catholic

26.)Do you wish this quiz is over?
Emiko: Yes!
Elle: uh-huh!

27.) Well, it's still not over. xD
Emiko: WTF?! Why would you do that to me?
Elle: That wasn't very nice!

28.) Anyways, where do you live?
Emiko: In the city
Elle: In my condo

29.) What class are you? (Low class, middle class, high class)
Emiko: .... *emo corner*
Elle: high class. You would be too if you hadn't have been thrown out!

30.) How many friends do you have?
Emiko: ... I dunno
Elle: Tons back home

31.) Wow. If you could change anything about you, what would you change?
Emiko: I wish I could get along with my parents
Elle: I'm perfect the way I am

32.) If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? And I don't want no cheap answer, ya hear?
Emiko: I don't even know.
Elle: Shopping!

33.) What are your thoughts on pie?
Emiko: Yum! Get me some!
Elle: I know the best little shop!

34.) Alright. What's your favorite food?
Emiko: Too many to name!
Elle: I love tomatoes!

35.) Favorite drink?
Emiko: Anything alcoholic!
Me: Aren't you underage?
Emiko: I meant... pop!
Elle: water is fine with me.

36.) What is your favorite place?
Emiko: The ocean
Elle: The mall!

37.) Least favorite?
Emiko: In the city
Elle: But, you live in the city
Emiko: I don't have to like it!
Elle: *shakes head* I don't like the forests very much

38.) Are you still wanting the quiz to end?
Emiko: duh!
Elle: Yes

39.)Yeah. Well, it's over. D:
Emiko: Oh, thank God!
Elle: Finally!
*both fighting to leave first*

And we have a few more from KC!
What do you think of Nino?
Emiko: .....
Elle: Eh, he seems like a jerk.

What do you think of Matsu?
Emiko: He's pretty cool. Cooking is even more amazing!
Elle: He's easy to get along with

If you could have a magical creature as a pet what would you want?
Emiko: Dragon!
Elle: Hmm. Maybe a unicorn

If anyone has any questions for the two of them, let me know!
