I also added a few questions from a quiz I found =P
1) Pick one of your OCs
2) Fill in the questions/statements as if you were your OC
3) Tag people at the end of the quiz
1.)What's your name?
Nino: Nino
Matsu: ^-^ Matsu!
2.)Do you know why you were named that?
Nino: -_- not really
Matsu: well you see my full name is Matsujun .x.
3.) Are you single or taken?
Nino: Single -_-
Matsu: ^^ single
4.) Have any abilities or powers?
Nino: I can see ghosts and form spiritual weapons
Matsu: ^^ I can pretty much do the same thing but on a smaller scale. Oh but I can heal people!
5.) Stop being a mary-sue
Nino: T_T stop being a dumb ass first.
Matsu: =/ what? who is mary sue?
6.) Uh...if you were to get in a fight with a strong wrestler, do you think you'd win?
Nino: yes
Matsu: ^-^;; If I'm lucky....
7.) Riiiight... Have any family members?
Nino: -_-; damn Aiba
Matsu: ^^ kind of
8.) Oh? How about pets?
Nino: Nani *points to cat*
Matsu: ^-^ Neko-chan
9.) Cool, I guess. Tell me something that you don't like.
Nino: ......... loud annoying girls -_-
Matsu: >x< people who leave me to do all the cleaning TxT
10.) Something that you do like?
Nino: ... sweets
Matsu: cooking!
11) Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Nino: ghost hunt and doing sports
Matsu: ^-^ cooking and ghost hunting
12.)Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Nino:........ yes.
Matsu: o_o ;A; I'm sorry!
13.)Ever...killed anyone before?
Nino:....... killed demons.....
Matsu: =/..........................
14.)What kind of animal are you?
Nino:.......... cat.
Matsu: ^-^ human
15.)Name your worst habits.
Nino: smoking *lights a cigarette*
Matsu: =/ people say my laugh is annoying..........
16.)Do you look up to anyone at all?
Nino: no
Matsu: ^^; Nino.....
17.)Gay, straight, or bi?
Nino: straight
Matsu: bi
18.)Do you go to school?
Nino: I used to...
Matsu: graduated
19.) Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Nino: no.
Matsu: depends....
20.)Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Nino: make them go away......
Matsu: ^^; some...
21.)What are you most afraid of? I promise I won't laugh
Nino:...that I won't live long enough to see the end of something.....
Matsu: >.< that someone will die....
22.)*snicker* Ok, ok. What color is your hair?
Nino: dark blue... nearly black
Matsu: white
23.) Eyes?
Nino: dark blue nearly black....
Matsu: yellow
24.) What do you usually wear? Nothing perverted
Nino: -_- a shirt and pants
Matsu: ^^; same
25.)Ok. What's your religion?
Nino: ............................ -_- is shamistic format a religion?
Matsu: dunno.....
26.)Do you wish this quiz is over?
Nino: yes
Matsu: ^-^; kind of
27.) Well, it's still not over. xD
Nino: damn it T_T
Matsu: ^^; oh well...
28.) Anyways, where do you live?
Nino: in an apartment
Matsu: ^^ same
29.) What class are you? (Low class, middle class, high class)
Nino: -_- depends
Matsu: ^^ middle for argument's sake
30.) How many friends do you have?
Nino: .................
Matsu: ^^; I try and make friends with everyone I meet
31.) Wow. If you could change anything about you, what would you change?
Nino: ............. nothing
Matsu: ^-^;............. I'd rather not say.
32.) If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? And I don't want no cheap answer, ya hear?
Nino: ........................
Matsu: .x. buy one of those super nice kitchens......
33.) What are your thoughts on pie?
Nino: food.......
Matsu: ^-^ I can bake it easily enough....
34.) Alright. What's your favorite food?
Matsu: ^^; not sure....
35.) Favorite drink?
Nino:............... beer.
Matsu: ^-^; soda
36.) What is your favorite place?
Nino: away from people
Matsu: don't know really .x.
37.) Least favorite?
Nino: TxT in a crowd
Matsu: ^^;
38.) Are you still wanting the quiz to end?
Nino: ya
Matsu: D= depends....
39.)Yeah. Well, it's over. D:
Nino: *sighs*
Matsu: ^-^ that was fun.....