I looked at Ryo. I knew what I had to do. Ryoen was the demon lord with the elemental affinity to fire. "Please let his work!" I muttered. In a louder voice, I commanded: "Away, Athena!"
"Poseidon! Lord of the ocean! Please lend me your mighty power!" I had never summoned one of the big 3 besides Hades before. Now was a good time for an expirament. Slowly, I felt the strong presense of the ocean flow through me. "You have one shot." said a strong masculine voice. Poseidon.
I focussed the energy of the ocean into my palm. It moved slowly, due to the enormous presense it had in my unexpirienced body. Finally, it had built up enough. I released the energy into the world around me. An ocean current surged out of my palm down the hall, nearly reaching the cieling, surging strong and fast away from me. As soon as it was all released, I fell all the way to the ground, back pressed to the floor, panting, and unable to move. It had used up almost all of my spirit energy, and I could barely hold conciousness long enough to make it to the floor, let alone spread my folded legs to a more comfortable position. My head hit the tile, and I passed out...
~ Sephira
Well, she's out stone cold, and she'll probably stay that way for quite a while. Recovering from Hades, whom she is more use to and fit to handle, takes her half a day to recover. Do as you wish! Torture sounds good! ^-^ make her miss, capture her, save her butt, whatever!