Hi Hi!


I looked up at E. Just as I was about to ask where he came from, the door opened. A guy walked in. As far as I knew, I didn't know the guy. I mean, if I did, I would have remembered this guy, unless I had some random case of amnesia. He had dark red hair, and it appeared to be pulled back, most likely a braid, and his dark eyes seemed to recognize me, but barely. He looked about 17, 18 to be generous.

"Hi!" I said brightly. "I'm Sephira! Do I know you?"

"Probably not. I'm Ohno." he said. "I carried you here when you passed out."

"Really? Well, thanks! Oh, by the way this is Ee- I mean, A-dan-"

"Edaniel," E provided for me. I smiled.

"That one!" I said. "I just call him E-kun!"

"Okay, Daniel," he called him. From the smirk on his face, either he knew that Daniel POed E-kun through some epathic power, guessed it, or he heard our earlier conversation.

"Don't call me that!" E-kun growled softly but irritatedly. Almost as if he was shy!

"Whatever, Daniel!" he joked. As I saw E-kun's anger rise, I decided to break it up.

"O-okay guys! Let's not fi-"

"Your name ain't any better!" my friend huffed. "Oh-no! I just pissed my self laughing! HA!"

"Hey! Watch it-" Ohno started.

"Okay, guys! Break it up!" I said standing up, putting my hand on their chests. "I know we're in a hospital but that doesn't mean it's okay to injure each other!" Giving each an angry look, they back off. E-kun looked off, with a distracted look. Ohno looked at me.

"Well, you seem to be doing well if you can get up," the red haired man noted.

"Mhmm!" I smiled. "I was just tired. Summoning one of the big three isn't the easiest!" He gave me a weird look. "Oh! I can summon the spirits of the Greek gods. Last night, I summoned the spirit Poseidon. Passed out like a rock right after! So what are you? You're not exactly a powerless, everyday guy!"

"I'm a shaman." He said simply.

"Ah! I don't know that many shamans!" I explained. "E-kun here is a summoner like me!" Hearing his name, his head snapped over.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah." He said. "I'm not hired very often. I often scare normal people." I gave a small giggle. I could see why! "What are you laughing at?!"

"Oh, nothing!" I giggled.

"Hm. You two know each other fairly well, huh?" Ohno pointed out.

"Nope! Actually, we just met!" I smiled. He sweat dropped.

"You act like it. Well, I have some other people to visit." Ohno turned to leave.

"Oo! Can I come? I'd love to meet the other people here!" I said.

"Sure. Why not?" he said.

"Yipee! I need to stretch out! I'm feeling stiff from laying for so long! Let's go, E-kun!"

"Wha-" I grabbed his arm and pulled him after me. "H-hey! Wait!"


I hope that's okay! ^^U Sorry if I got Ohno wrong! Lol, Sephira is extremely peppy when she wakes up.
