The Abandonment of the Soul

“I guess that will teach you to lose focus now won’t it?” Vaiporaii laughed as she looked down at the slate haired boy now treading in the water. He seemed to sigh and force himself out of the water. Vaporaii backed up a bit as he came out.

“Can I be done for today?” Ryuu groaned a bit. Vaporaii's eyes narrowed a fraction before she crossed her arms in front of herself and looked away as though insulted or irritated or maybe even a strange twisted contribution of both.

"And here Ryoen said you had promise," she spat irritated. "You can be done for the day if you complete this task." She held up a small flask in one hand and stared down at Ryuu. "Focus your chii or aura or whatever you humans call it and turn it into water. Fill it to the brim, and you may go."

Ryuu appeared to groan again and took the flask from Vaporaii's hand. Walking off towards and area away from the pool, the slate haired boy sat down again and appeared to begin focusing. Vaporaii sighed and returned to her own flasks.


Aeirin stared up at the ceiling defeated in purpose of life. Sloth had consumed her as if she were a human exposed to it instead of the Demon Lord who wielded it. Why did he have to die? Aeirin questioned quietly to herself as she stared up at the ceiling of her infinite room. Why did he leave me? I... guess he hated me.. to leave me... I guess.... Suddenly hearing a crack state the door was opening, Aeirin turned her head to one side and found Asa looking inwards at her. She made no movement to get up from the bed but just stared sideways at him.

“Hey; may I come in?” Asa asked as he began walking into the room despite not receiving recognition of it. Aeirin said nothing but returned to staring at the ceiling with a dead set of eyes. "Aeirin.... you can't be like this...." Asa sighed outwards sitting now at the foot of the child's bed. However the orange haired girl made no motion as to even acknowledging that Asa had said anything at all. "There are things at work and things that need to be done, Aeirin..." Asa tried as though trying to find things to arouse the girl. However, the words were still on Air Demon Lord. Asa finally broke off and allowed silence to consume them both.

Aeirin closed her eyes, and found the tears running down her face as both a surprise and something else far beyond description. She hurt... far more than she had ever hurt before, and she couldn't even begin to describe it... She was too young for it... frozen in time perhaps... yet Time was the true beater of people, and this Aeirin was learning. Feelings were rushing in her.. childish things twisted with things that were above said level.... they mixed and intertwined together, and quietly, a truth was coming into Aeirin.

Within the hour that passed, Aeirin's entire form seemed to age. Her hair grew out longer. Her limbs extended longer, and she grew outwards taking on the full shape of someone in their early twenties. Asa, who appeared to witness this change in Aeirin, sighed out himself on the matter and understanding what was going on, he simply allowed it. A demon aging process was obscure to say the least of things... one could stay a certain age forever, yet if they chose to age... they could never go back...

Aeirin sat up in bed a full woman with her previous clothes now all but extremely short shorts and a tight shirt on her where as they had been long before. Her orange hair was longer and extended down to her mid back with dark red seeming to add in in several areas. Her eyes were darker than before nearly black now. Turning her head, she stared at Asa quietly.

"Are you better now, Aeirin?" Asa finally asked as if unsure of what else to ask on the matter that had just occurred.

"I hate Noiren," Aeirin finally sighed outwards as if it were the answer. Asa blinked, looked away, and sighed outwards.

"I see..." he answered back.
Muse is growing... I am pleased...
