*}*Ariana and Christian*{*
“Not demon at all, but far worse in this case,” the man put in along with the answer Christian gave his mistress. A light materialized out of the darkness and surrounded the three figures taking them away in half a second and transporting them to the entrance of the cafeteria.
Ariana’s eyes widened when she realized what the bear like man just did. “Christian, he used Yugdrassial to take us here,” she had heard him mentioned on occasion at the shrine, “why take us too? You could’ve taken me here as fast—if not faster.” She murmured in a low voice.
Still holding the package containing the priestess kimono, an amused look was now on the turquoise eyed demon’s visage. “Besides another reason, he doesn’t want us unsupervised.”
Ariana snorted. Lovely.
The two followed the football player built man into the cafeteria but stopped so they could survey the entire scene. Two angels, a redhead male, yet another man dressed for show, a teenage girl with intricate tattoos and…what’s this?
“Milady, it’s the demon I sensed earlier,” her demon butler whispered into her ear.
Ariana looked at said demon closely. He was a slim young man with spiky, ruffled black hair with all black clothes that revealed he had abs. He had a dark gray left eye but the other was obscured by a part of his hair.
Their ‘escort’ went right for him, “Why are you here demon?” he asked in a tone a twinge protective.
“I don’t think I need to tell you. If I was doing harm, don’t you think I would’ve killed that angel over there already?” he retorted. Demon and mistress swiveled their heads to look at him; this looked like the start of a verbal tennis match. “My business is my business, and it doesn’t concern you or anyone at this hospital besides this girl in front of me,” the demon continued not done by a long shot. “If you really want to hear it, talk to that white haired guy. Oh, wait! He left. Well, you’ll have to live without nosing into my business.”
Immediately after this short speech, the bear like man punched the demon across the face. He recoiled and looked at the guy as if surprised he had managed to hit him. “I am not Matsu,” the puncher simply stated.
“My my…” Christian, who had witnessed the whole thing, composedly said aloud.
“This is quite the drama party,” the redheaded man grinned while everyone now looked at him. “Hello everyone new, my name is Ohno, heh…I’m sure we’re all going to be great friends.”
Ariana looked at him oddly. That name is just begging to be made fun of, Ariana thought. She also wasn’t sure about his other statement. Given by the match that had just taken place she didn’t think these people were in the mood to be acquaintances.
Ariana thinks the truth there. *shot* I have no ideas presently... -_-