Effects of the Glimpse

*}*Ariana and Christian*{*
Ariana breathed steadily, working on recovering from the curse’s sudden surge. Christian is right, I was very lucky. She was concentrating so hard she wouldn’t of heard Ohno if Christian hadn’t squeezed the hand he put on her shoulder.

“Are you two coming?” Ohno asked the question lightly, but Christian knew that he was thinking more deeply then he let on. “Milady,” he murmured, “your parents wouldn’t mind; they are both out on cases for a few days. After dinner we can continue on to the school.”

Ariana reflected on that for a few moments. “Alright,” she murmured back to the demon, “why not?” She looked to Ohno with a calm smile, “We’re coming.” He wants us to come so he can still supervise us, she thought with irritancy, very well then Ohno; we’ll come to dinner with you, but don’t expect us to stick around the whole night.

Christian followed Ariana and held the door open for her when they got to the restaurant, nodding at her smile of thanks. He mulled over what had happened when the curse appeared for a moment. The demon butler had no doubt the vessels had sensed the rise of demonic pressure that had suddenly taken place; Edaniel, Sephira too. Mari, Kaki, Aisling, and Elle didn’t know about it; although since Elle had gone with Ame he suspected she would find out that there was “something strange” about Ariana.

Ariana patted his arm and directed his attention to the table where Aiba and the others were. He smiled and walked over with her to the table, thoughts returning to where they were before. Edaniel… he left the “something strange” part and drifted back to the other demon, I suspect he used some of the energy the brief demonic aura created for his own gain. Christian sat down next to his mistress and took off his jacket placing it on the back of the chair.

When Ariana arrived at the table she took a seat and looked over the menu; Christian sat down next to her. The priestess snuck a peek at some female diners and saw they were staring at Christian with appreciation. It’s the hospital all over again. She tilted the menu so both Christian and her can view it at once, “I don’t know what to get; what do you recommend Christian?”
Nobody figure out that it’s a curse; it’ll ruin my plan. D< I should’ve said that in my other post. Well, Sephira and Edaniel can be the only exceptions. ^^
