Dream World

Come on, guys! I really don't want this world to end! I love this world!

When I awoke, I felt nice and warm. Looking over towards the window, I saw that the sun was shining. But, when I looked at the clock, it read that it was still during the night, so the sun should not have been shining so brightly yet. I got up and opened the curtain.

There were planets floating in the sky. There was a river down the hill, colored the clearest blue. I frowned. This was not where we had been when I had gone to bed the night before. This place was beautiful, but it wasn't home. I figured Kuro had probably tried sending us back home, but had brought us somewhere else, the question was where were we?

I hurried over to the bed, shaking Ryuu's shoulder gently. His eyes fluttered open, and after a sleepy moment, he smiled up at me. But, when he saw the anxiety on my face, he frowned. "What's wrong?" he asked, sitting up straight, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

I shrugged. "We aren't in Kansas anymore."

Ryuu looked over at the window, seeing the bright light before looking at the clock. He frowned in confusion before putting two and two together. "Where did Kuro send us?" he asked after a moment.

I shrugged again. "I don't know. Some place really beautiful, though. Let's go see what's going on."

As we went into the living room, we saw everyone clustered around the big picture window. Kuro came over and filled us in. We were in the dream realm. But, whose dream were we in. I looked around the room.

"Where's Aisling?" I asked Puck.

He turned. "Still sleeping. I didn't want to wake her. She's been really tired lately, so I decided to let her sleep. I didn't think we wer going to go anywhere soon."

"I think I know whose dream we are in," I commented.

Hope it's okay!
