Finals are done for me! Yay! I hope we can get this going again!
I took a step outside, Ryuu right behind me. This dream world was beautiful. Much more peaceful than the world we called reality we'd been living in for the past few months. It was nice to hear silence, to hear the calm in the air, to not have to worry about a fight. Though, I doubted that the calm would last. It never did. Not with us. Danger seemed to follow us anywhere we went.
"A lot different than what we're used to, huh?" Ryuu commented, stepping up behind me. He slipped his hand into mine and laced his fingers through my own.
I nodded. "I wouldn't mind living here."
"It wouldn't last. We'd get sick of getting everything we ever wanted," Ryuu mused.
"Not to mention fat. We'd never have to move," I chuckled at the thought of an obese Ryuu. I couldn't picture it. I had never seen Ryuu anything but fit before. We trained together. I knew the muscles that traced his body all too well.
He smiled at my comment, but he chose not to reply.
"How are we going to get back to our world?" I asked out loud. "Does Kuro need to replenish his energies first?"
I need to go now, but I wanted to get something out there so we can get this moving again!