Extensive OC Development Quiz: Alice
[Hello, ChiVee here to bring you a quiz about my character Alice~ People seem to like her so I thought I would better introduce her~ I stole this from Kita~ This is her quiz about her OC Hikari. Please look at it~
If you want to see another of my characters answer this killer long quiz, please comment and tell me~ Thank you, enjoy~ <3]
Character Name: Alison Christine Delachordalias
Story/Series: Title Pending… (never finished, should get around to…)
General Information
1. What is your name? Nickname?
Alison, nicknamed Alice by most thanks to my friend Buck. Also called, Allie or Alis.
2. Why were you named that?
Alison? No idea… probably because my mother wanted me to sound royal.
3. What is your gender?
4. What are you? (Human, wizard, robot)
Half human… half… dead. (Vampire)
5. How old are you? What year were you born?
17 right now… I was born in 1996.
6. Do you wish you were older or younger?
Older. Everyday.
7. What is your IQ? If you don't know, guess.
I don’t have a clue… I’m rather smart so… 100?
Physical Appearance
8. What color are your eyes? Do you like them?
Very blue. I hate them. They look like mothers.
9. What color is your hair? Is it natural or dyed? Do you like the color?
Naturally ink black. I hate it. Again, looks like mothers.
10. Is your hair thin or thick? Straight or curly? Long or short? How do you wear it?
Thick, wavy, short. I used to have long hair but my mother hated it so now it’s only to my shoulders. I can’t do much with hair that short…
11. How tall are you? Are you happy with your height?
I’m only 4” 9’ (144.78 cm). Absolutely not! I want to be taller!
12. How much do you weigh? Are you happy with your weight?
Do I have to answer this…? I’m only 85 pounds…
13. If female, what is your bra size? Are you happy with this?
O-oh! *blush* I’m… it’s… hardly an A… I look like a little kid…
14. How would you describe your skin tone?
Very pale… dead.
15. What is your body type? Are you athletic?
I look like a fourteen year old boy!
16. Any birthmarks? Freckles or other marks?
I have a couple of scars but not much else.
17. Do you have any scars? From what?
Yes… many… and for many reasons…
18. Do you have any tattoos? Of what and where?
No never!
19. Do any other features stand out? Big nose? Almond eyes? Gap in teeth?
People say my eyes stand out… they’re very big and blue. And my height…
20. Do you have any unusual characteristics?
Whatever do you mean? I have fangs, sharp nails and pointed ears… do those count?
21. Any defining gestures? (Biting your lip, avoiding eye contact while speaking)
I… never make eye contact and do bite my lip a lot…
22. What do you like most about your appearance?
… Nothing really, I’m quite ugly. But if I have to pick something, it’s my hair…
23. What do you like least about your appearance?
All of it… I look like my mother if she were a fourteen year old boy!
24. Overall, are you happy with your appearance? Do you think you are attractive?
No and no. I’m not even close to attractive…
25. Do others think you are attractive?
*blush* H-how would I know?!
26. What is your blood type?
I have two types of blood in my body, human AB- and higher vampire blood.
27. Do you have any mental illnesses?
… I would say so, but I don’t want to talk about it… (Avoidant personality disorder and PTSD)
28. Do you have any disabilities?
… My life? My situation…
29. Do you have any addictions?
… I’m addicted to a person, does that count? *blush* And… and to pills… but no one knows that… I need an escape…
30. Do you have any allergies or medical problems?
I get very sick, very easily… and I was supposed to have died when I was little…
31. Do you have any problems sleeping? What's wrong and why do you think that is?
I’m a vampire, I don’t often sleep, I don’t need it as often as humans do… but when I sleep it’s likely because I’m sick or very relaxed…
Supernatural Abilities
32. Do you have any supernatural abilities? If no, skip this whole section.
Kind of…
33. What exactly are your abilities?
I have control over the balance of the earth with the help of a book.
34. When did you discover them?
About a year ago. No one else knows…
35. Where did your abilities come from (genes, radiation)?
An old man back when I was about seven.
36. How do you use your abilities (speak some language, wave a wand)?
It’s in a book written by elves and Gods.
37. How much control do you have over your powers?
… None. The book will control me if it has to. I’m just a body for the book.
38. What does it cost to use your abilities (energy, focus, blood)?
Control of my body and mind for the time the book uses me.
39. Can you die or pass out from overusing your abilities?
Yes. I always pass out after use.
40. Have you reached your full potential?
I wouldn’t know…
41. Do you feel that your abilities are a blessing or a hindrance? Would you trade them or get rid of them if you could?
I don’t think of it as anything more than a job really, something I have to do.
42. Are you happy with the abilities you have?
I’m indifferent.
43. Are your abilities secret?
Yes, from everyone.
44. Do many others have abilities where you come from? The same ones?
No. No one else in the world can share in my ability.
45. If so, are yours stronger or weaker? Are yours unique in any way?
I’m the only one.
46. What is your earliest childhood memory?
My mother trying to kill me.
47. What is your happiest childhood memory?
My father coming home and spending time with me.
48. What is your worst childhood memory?
All the rest.
49. What was your childhood like?
Horrible. I wanted to die.
50. What were your childhood aspirations?
To be like my father.
51. What is your most embarrassing memory?
… That’s a hard one, but likely school, when the others would bully me and push me in the mud and laugh at me…
52. What is the most frightening thing that has ever happened to you?
… My mother.
53. Have you ever had a near death experience? Have you ever died?
I’ve had many… my mother wanted me dead from my birth and tried… a lot…
54. What is the worst thing you have ever done? Even if for a good reason.
I… I stole pills and got addicted… and I didn’t save my best friend from committing suicide…
55. What is the worst thing anyone has ever done to you?
Just read above.
56. Are you from Earth? If not, where do you live?
Yes, New York.
57. Where were you born? What is this place like?
The mountains of New York, Adirondacks. It’s beautiful there.
58. Has anything life changing ever happened to you?
Um… I made friends…
59. Have you ever experienced anything traumatic?
Yes, every day.
60. Do you have any serious regrets? What are they? How would you act differently?
I was born. I stole pills. I let people I loved die. You figure it out.
61. Have you ever lost someone you love? How?
Yes, my best friend… to suicide… when I should have known and stopped him…
62. What was your least favorite subject?
63. What was your favorite subject?
Art and History.
64. What were you best at?
Art and History.
65. Were you made fun of in school? Why?
Yes… For every reason they could come up with.
66. What was your education like?
Good enough, public high school.
67. How much education have you received?
I’m still in high school, senior now.
68. Are you still in school?
69. Did you like school?
70. Overall, how well did you do in school?
I did well enough.
71. What do you do for a living?
I work at a library and my mother’s bakery.
72. Do you enjoy doing this?
I like it well enough.
73. Why do you do it? How did you end up doing it?
I wanted my own money and I just asked around, got hired and my mother hired me.
74. Do you have any future goals for this job or others?
I want to work for the military someday…
75. How long have you done this?
Worked? For about three years.
76. What are your parents' names?
Chase and Rose
77. What do your parents do for a living?
Father is in the military and mother is a baker.
78. Do you have any siblings? Older or younger?
Two younger, Cynthia and James, one older half-brother, Mikhail.
79. Who are you closest to?
James, though he isn’t very friendly…
80. Is there anyone not in your immediate family who you consider to be family?
All of my friends, they’re my real family.
81. Do/did you live with or commonly see grandparents, cousins, or other relatives?
No. My mother is too ashamed of me to let them see me…
82. Are you married? Have you ever been?
N-not yet! B-but I hope to o-one day…
83. Do you have any children? How many? How old? Who is the father?
N-no!! I-I can’t h-have children because I’m a half breed….
84. Do you currently live with your family? If not, when did you move out?
Yes… unfortunately…
85. Do you have a good relationship with your family?
Not even a little.
86. Who is your best friend? (If 2 really close friends, answer the next questions for both)
Um… I could never pick… I think Ozzy and Llew…
87. How did you meet? How long have you known each other?
I met them both by accident, I ran into Ozzy at the arcade and Llew I met through Ozzy.
88. Why are you best friends? What about your personalities work well together?
Yes, Ozzy makes me feel safe and happy, Llew makes me laugh and relax.
89. What are his/her greats qualities? Flaws?
Ozzy, his quiet, loving nature is good but his shyness makes me scared sometimes…
Llew, his fun loving loud self is enjoyable, but his temper and sometimes attitude annoys and scares me…
90. If of the opposite sex, have there ever been any romantic feelings?
…………… Y-yes… s-still there n-now…. *so much blush*
91. Other friends?
I have many thanks to Ozzy…
92. Who is your nicest friend?
Ozzy, no questions.
93. Do you have many friends? If you have few friends, why?
No, only a few, because I like to trust my friends…
94. Do you have any enemies or frenemies?
… Um… my mother?
95. Does anyone dislike you?
Yes, many people.
96. Do you dislike anyone?
Yes, many people.
97. Do you have any rivals?
… Not for Ozzy I don’t think… I hope not! I-I mean!! N-never mind that!! *blush*
98. What is your sexual orientation?
99. What's your current relationship status?
Single but hopeful…
100. If single, have you ever had a romantic relationship?
No… not once…
101. Do you want to be in a relationship?
102. Do you love anyone now? Have you ever?
I t-think so…
103. If not in love, do you have a crush on anyone?
Yup… s-same person….
104. Do you know if anyone is in love or has a crush on you?
No… I don’t think anyone has or ever will…
105. Do you love anyone who does not love you back? Have you ever?
I-I think I do r-right now… *sad*
106. Have you ever told anyone you loved them? When?
N-no! I-I could never! W-what if they… r-rejected me…?
107. Has anyone told you they loved you? When?
No… no one loves me I don’t think…
108. Have you ever cheated on anyone?
109. Have you ever been cheated on?
… No… I h-hope I never a-am…
110. Has anyone ever broken your heart?
Th-they kind of are r-right now…
111. Have you ever broken anyone's heart?
I don’t think so…
112. Are you shy about relationships?
113. What do you do when you like someone? Tell them? Give hints?
I… I t-tried to tell… b-but got to s-scared… I can’t d-do anything n-now…
114. Are you a virgin?
115. Have you ever given or received a blowjob?
116. Have you ever kissed someone the same sex as you?
I’ve never kissed anyone…
117. Do you have any quirks in the bedroom?
What? What does that even mean?
118. What kind of man/woman are you usually attracted to?
The quiet, sweet, loving, shy, slightly romantic type.
119. What kind of lover do you prefer?
Um… someone kind and gentle?
120. When did you last engage in any romantic or sexual behavior?
I never have…
121. How many people have seen you naked?
My mother and father when I was a baby.
General Relationships
122. Who do you love most in the world?
Ozzy… N-no!! My father.
123. Who do you hate most?
My mother.
124. Who could you not live without?
Ozzy or Llew…
125. Who do you tell things to first?
126. Who knows all your secrets?
No one.
127. Who do you always argue with?
Llew~ <3
128. Who last told you they loved you? (both romantic and not)
Lovell… not romantically…
129. Who did you last tell you loved them? (both romantic and not)
Lovell and Pip, not romantically.
130. Have you ever punched anyone? Why?
Um… I don’t think so….
131. Who do you go to for advice?
I don’t… I read books instead… but I guess maybe Lovell or Llew…
132. Who would you risk your life for?
All of my friends.
133. Who do you most respect?
Ash and my father.
134. Do you have any heroes or idols?
My father is a hero.
135. If you could kill someone and get away with it, who would it be?
My mother.
136. Are there any qualities in people or behaviors that you just can't stand?
Yes, people who hurt others and animals senselessly or don’t talk straight.
137. Would you sacrifice your own happiness for someone else? Anyone in particular?
Yes… Ozzy or Llew or any of my friends… I would sacrifice anything for all of them.
138. What is a typical day like? Or is each day different?
I get up, go to school, read, go to work, go home. I always look forward to seeing my friends, but that can’t always happen.
139. Are you a morning or a night person?
Night. I stay up all night most nights…. Unless I’m with Ozzy.
140. How do you usually dress?
Anything I find and usually something Batman…
141. Is there anything you keep with you at all times?
The cross necklace my father gave me.
142. Do you keep a journal? Why or why not?
I did but mother burned it…
143. Are you regularly in trouble or do you always follow all the rules?
I ALWAYS follow rules… else I get beaten…
144. Do you ever drink or get drunk?
Not yet…
145. Do you ever go to parties?
Unless their mother’s social gathers, I’m not allowed to.
146. Describe your bedroom. What is in it? Is it messy?
Very clean and simple, mostly ever cluttered with books.
147. What would you like most to change about your life?
I want a better home… and real love…
148. Are you happy with your life?
149. What is your religion? Any strong religious beliefs?
I don’t have any… I have no need for them.
150. Are you very religious?
151. Are you superstitious?
152. What would you die before doing?
I’d die before confronting my mother… and likely after.
153. Do you have any strong political views?
154. Are you satisfied with the current government? Why or why not?
I don’t care really…
155. What do you think of death and the afterlife?
… I think it’ll be my escape…
156. What do you think of war?
Sometimes it’s necessary… without war and destruction there can’t be recreation…
157. Could you personally kill someone if it meant saving others? (Have you ever?)
Yes. Without hesitation. (Not yet.)
Personal Information
158. Do you snore?
159. Do you have any secrets?
Many… so many…
160. Do you have many fears? What are they?
I fear… being alone and unloved… but I live that already…
161. How do you deal with physical pain? Have you ever been seriously injured?
I just shut down and wait for it to be over… Yes.
162. How do you cope with deaths of people you know?
…. Let’s not talk about this.
163. Have you ever killed anyone? Why? How?
Not yet.
164. Have you ever seen anyone die? What happened?
Yes… he jumped off a balcony in New York City… I was below…
165. What do you live for? What keeps you going?
I don’t know anymore… I think it’s Ozzy and Llew really…
166. Can you speak more than one language? What languages and why?
I can sort of speak Russian because my mother and brother do.
167. Do you have any bad habits?
Is crying often a bad habit?
168. Are you typically willing to help people who you ask for it? To what extent would you willingly help them?
Not really, unless I really know them and need to help them…
169. What is your speaking style (fast, monotone, loquacious)?
I talk quietly and shyly, when I talk…
170. What are your insecurities?
… All of my being… I’m scared of everyone…
171. Do you have any quirks or eccentricities?
I don’t know….
172. Do you have any special natural abilities?
Didn’t we already talk about this…?
173. Do you have any combat training? Why?
Not really… I’m kind of fast, that’s it…
174. What is the best compliment you could receive? (You're gorgeous, your paintings are beautiful, you are the perfect mother)
I would love to hear my mother say I’m worth something to her.
175. If the entire world only had one night left, what would you do? Who would you spend your last hours with?
I would tell him I loved him and want to be with him for that night…
176. If you could know anything, what would it be? (Like how the pyramids were built, what your boyfriend was thinking five minutes ago)
I would know why my mother hates me…
177. If you could learn to do anything, even if it's impossible (like dancing if you're in a wheelchair), what would it be? (no powers, see next question)
I would learn… to be braver…
178. If you could have one magic power, what would it be? Why?
Mind reading, so I could understand…
179. If you got one wish (no wishing for more wishes), what would you wish for?
That… someone would come and sweep me off my feet and take me from here…
180. Are you a social person? Or do you prefer solitude?
No, I like being alone or with maybe one friend…
181. How would you describe your personality?
Very quiet, cold and distant…
182. Are you an optimist or pessimist?
183. Are you creative?
I hope so… I want to be…
184. Do you like to take risks?
Not really… I’m too scared…
185. Are you usually an honest person?
No… honestly no…
186. How would you describe your personal hygiene? Would others agree?
I’m a very clean person, I don’t like to be dirty…
187. Do you think you dress well? Would others agree?
Not really… I don’t know what others think…
188. Are you sentimental?
… Not really, I can’t be…
189. Are you openly emotional?
No. Never.
190. Are you a hard worker?
Yes, very.
191. Are you usually a leader or a follower? Are you happy with that?
Follower unless my power is activated, but I don’t really care either way…
192. Are you confident?
Not at all…
193. Are you introverted or extroverted?
Introverted, can’t you tell?
194. Are you a stressed person?
… Yes… I guess…
195. Are you easily embarrassed?
N-no! *blush*
196. Are you very proud?
Not even a little…
197. How do you think other people see you?
A stupid little girl who will never be more than a half breed…
198. What things do others say are your weaknesses?
My existence mainly. But my shyness and the fact that I’m socially inept.
199. What do others say are your strengths?
My mind… I’m pretty smart I guess…
200. Do people generally like you or dislike you?
201. What do you think are your best qualities?
My mind…
202. What do you think are your worst qualities?
All of the rest of me…
203. Is there anything you would like to change about yourself?
All of me, I want to be prettier and taller and just better…
204. Overall, are you happy with yourself?
205. What is your favorite food?
Anything sweet~ *blush*
206. What is your favorite drink?
Um… sweet tea or hot chocolate… Hot chocolate… with marshmallows… *blush*
207. What is your favorite color?
Black and yellow like Batman!
208. What is your favorite animal?
Um… Bats, bunnies and dolphins… *blush*
209. What is your favorite book?
Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
210. What is your favorite movie?
I don’t watch movies…
211. What is your favorite music genre?
212. What is your favorite childhood story?
I don’t have one…
213. What is your favorite weather?
Slight rain.
214. What is your favorite season?
Autumn or Winter.
215. What is your dream vacation?
Leaving this planet…
216. Do you like to travel or stay in one place?
I don’t care if I’m with someone I love~
217. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
218. Would you rather have a life full of adventure or an uneventful life?
Um… again, I don’t really care that much… I want a life full of love…
219. What is your favorite holiday?
I don’t like holidays…
220. What is your favorite flower?
Um… I don’t know… Moon flowers?
221. What is your favorite sport? Do you like sports?
I don’t really like sports… I too little for most of them…
222. What is your favorite curse word?
*blink blink*I don’t curse!
223. Do you prefer the city or the country?
224. Do you prefer showers or baths?
Shower…. This is getting a little personal now…
225. What is your biggest pet peeve?
People asking me a ton of needless questions….
226. Are you disgusted by anything?
Most bugs and fish…
227. Are you squeamish?
A little… at times…
228. Regardless of skill, do you like dancing, singing, or drawing? Anything else?
I like to sing and draw…
229. Do you enjoy art?
Yes I do…
230. What would be the perfect day?
Any day spent with love and happiness…
231. Do you have any hobbies?
Drawing and reading mostly.
232. What do you enjoy doing most?
Recent Past
233. When did you last feel happy? Why?
When I was with my friends…
234. When did you last feel sad? Why?
When I had to leave my friends…
235. When did you last feel angry? Why?
When Llew asked me too many things I couldn’t answer…
236. When did you last feel guilty? Why?
When I… hurt Ozzy…
237. When was the last time you cried? Why?
Last night… let’s move on.
238. When did you last see your family? Is this amount of time normal?
I see my mother and siblings often but I haven’t seen my dad for a while now…
239. When did you last do someone a favor? Who and what was it?
Um… I don’t know… I can’t remember…
240. When did you last confess something to someone? What was it and to who?
I told Llew how I felt about his brother… *BLUSH*
241. When was the last time you were sick?
I’m sick everyday…
242. Who is the last person you spoke to?
Um… Likely Llew, Ozzy or Gabriella…
243. What was the last dream you can remember?
I don’t dream…
Right Now
244. What is your current mood?
245. Where are you?
With you, answering this thing, where ever we are…
246. What color are your nails/toenails?
I don’t color my nails.
247. What are your goals for this year?
Live. Maybe tell someone how I feel… not likely… *sad blush*
248. Do you have any pets? What are their names?
… I had one… it died… let’s move on…
249. What is your current health? Any injuries? From what?
I’m a little sickly thanks to my blood… but… it’s nothing new…
250. What is the nearest book to you?
If we’re anywhere I normally am, there’s too many to name.
251. Are you wanted for any crimes?
Not yet.
252. Finally, how many weapons are currently on your person?
If you count a pen as a weapon, then one. Oh wait and I have my book, which is kind of a weapon… and um… my sharp nails…?