The Cure:

Continued From: The Truth is Revealed

As Kita lay on the floor, beaten and bloody, Toshiro sat beside her, unable to do anything to help her. She may have stolen the life from his body, but he couldn't bare to watch her suffer, incapable of doing anything to heal her.

He touched her head, and wondered if there was anything he could do to help her in his condition.


He couldn't help her himself, but he could get help for her. Then he remembered the one person in Las Noches that could help her.

Without hesitation, he disappeared.


He reappeared in front of a locked door, deep within Las Noches. He proceeded forward and phased through the solid door.

"Orihime Inoue."

Orihime was sitting to the couch reading one of the books Ulquiorra had brought her. If it were not for Kita making him see she needed some kind of pastime to help her fill the day she may have never gotten them. She flipped the page on the book then got a cold chill. She looked up from her book rubbing one of her arms.

“Where did that come from?” She was referring to the chill in her room.

She shrugged her shoulders and went back to reading.

Toshiro narrowed his eyes at the girl and cursed being in such a form which simple tasks were so hard to do. Suddenly, a cold wind blew, sending the book out of her hands and onto the floor in the middle of the room.

"Orihime Inoue!"

Orihime blinked looking at her book on the floor a few feet away. “What the heck?!”

She shivered again now rubbing both her arms as she stood walking over to her book and picked it up. When she stood she looked around the room.

“Is someone here?”

A trail of light appeared on the floor, leading to the door. On the door, the words "follow me" were scribed. The lock on the door busted and cracked, breaking apart. The door swung open to reveal an arrow on the adjacent wall.

"This way," was written underneath it.

Orihime blinked a few times and did what the signs were telling her. She followed along wondering where she was being led to. With each step she took, the trail disappeared behind her. Along with every word that was written.

“Who are you?” She asked her invisible friend.

"Hurry!" Was all Toshiro conveyed to her with the writing on the wall next to her.

Orihime hurried along following the markers on the walls and floor. She turned corners and walked long halls until she was in a place that was unfamiliar to her. She looked around wondering where she could be.

On the door to Szayelapporo's lab were the words "Help her!" The door flung open and Orihime darted into the lab skirting quickly past Szayel. Quickly the espada stood and went after her.

"Woman! What are you doing?!" He called out following after her. "Your not allowed back here. Get out!"

"Get out of my lab now!"

Orihime paid no attention to him as she quickly made her way to the back. She now knew why she was brought there. Though it was very weak, she could feel Kita's spiritual pressure. Something was so very wrong with her and she knew she was here to help her.

Toshiro hurried along beside Orihime. As they rushed to Kita, he flung one of the inner doors closed and sealed it shut once Orihime was through. They continued on to Kita's side.

Once standing in front of Kita's cell door Orihime was appalled at what she saw. She grabbed the bars on the door a shook it hard.

"Kita can you hear me?!"

When she did not move or even make a sound Orihime stepped back from the cell door. Lowered her hands down next to the lock and called out.

"I reject!"

The door swung open and Orihime ran to Kita's side. She gently moved Kita from under the bed and went to healing her.

Toshiro let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding as Kita was covered in Orihime's yellow force field. Slowly, her wounds started to lessen. On the wall above Kita's bed he wrote.

"Thank you."

He stayed near the cell door, watching Orihime heal Kita, daring Szayel or anyone else to come through the door with intention of having her again.


While on the other side Szayel was trying everything short of ceroing the door to get back to Orihime and Kita. You could hear him yelling as he fought with door to get it open.

"Damn my own inventions!" He cursed the door. " If you do not open this door I am going to get Lord Aizen! Then we will see how things come down around here."

He rattled the door again with no response. Finally, everything on the other side of the door went silent.

Continued To: Coming Soon...
