just a world about everything happening in my life and about some things that I find interesting

Oh Jae Moo

Bread, Love, Dreams (a.k.a. Baker King Kim Tak Gu) is currently aired here in the Philippines and I've been fond of Oh Jae Moo who portrayed the young Tak Gu. His performance was very amazing and while I was searching for stuffs about him, I stumbled upon this video. Oh Jae Moo dancing "Lucifer" by SHINee. He himself admitted that he IS a SHINee fanboy!

I’m so falling in love with Oh Jae Moo ♥
He’s so amazing. His acting skills are priceless and he dances very well. :D

First Place Again! :D

I just logged in a while ago and I learned that I won Black Jack's Merry Christmas!! challenge.

My entry for the challenge was my Winter Sonata.

External Image

cloud55strife & sleepinglionheart

These two fellas featured me in their worlds today.

cloud55strife showed a few of my walls while sleepinglionheart posted a link on my portfolio.

These two are great wallpaper artists as well. :))

I really appreciate these two fellas. I got ten new subscribers in an instant. But really I'm not that of a great artist. Here's what I commented to cloud's world post:

Cloud, I really appreciate you and your sis sleepinglionheart for doing this feature of me. I got 10 additional subscribers in an instant thanks to you! :))

Bur really, you don't have to do this for me. This is too much. I'm just a person who simply loves to make graphical design things and rants on everything that I see. 36 subscribers isn't an issue for me. I don't really care at all...

~ Just submitting a wallpaper/card here and getting a few hugs/faves/comments is already a big thing for me. And my almost one year here in theO isn't a regret since I met many artists and became friends with them. You and your sis are one of them! That's already enough for me. I'm already satisfied and I just go with the flow.

This is too much for me. I don't really deserve this at all... But still, thanks! ^^

~peace out!~

Ultimate Math Nerds

Today & yesterday was a very busy day for me yet it was so fun.

My classmate, Ivy, came to my house and did both of our Math projects. Its been a while since I last had a classmate coming over to our house. I believe it was around 2006/2007. :O

I really hate Math. Curse you! >:o

It was hard to type mathematical equations in MS Word 2007 especially those logarithmic, fractions and radical ones. OMG! What a pain in the a**! But its good that we both managed to finish everything although she came home very late... I'm sure her mother's gonna scold her with pressure. Good luck to her! :D

Today was our preliminary examination in Mathematics. I am quite a nerd although I don't really have an expertise in that subject. That not only goes for me but also for 3/4 of the students in my class.

As expected, "sources" for answers came along everywhere!!! It's funny cause when I look to the left, to the right, forward and backward, I see that my classmates are putting efforts on copying answers. We really don't call it CHEATING, we call it TEAMWORK! :D

It's funny for me because that time I realized the true meaning of the word "unity". In a weird way though... And in the end, all of us managed to complete "answering" all the questions.

Nothing really special... just wanna share it! :))

Here's one song to all who read this... "Hold It Against Me" by Britney Spears, a a very funky song!

A Whole New World

Just saw this vid via Love[Asia]Music on WordPress. Features Koreans Brian & Lisa singing the song A Whole New World which is a notable song from the movie Aladdin. Very amazing rendition as well as their English accents.