just a world about everything happening in my life and about some things that I find interesting
- Created By josephine12cute
funny coincidence
Sarah Patricia recently submitted a wallpaper and she dedicated it to me.
I commented that it reminded me of a wallpaper I made. Which is this one:
Then she replied to me:
Hahaha! Really funny coincidence!
role play &... dancing?
Our classes just resumed this November 2 (but I went to school on 3 because I am THAT lazy!) and lots of things are already needed to be done.
First one is a role play in Physics. The theme is about "electromagnetic induction". The script was already provided by our teacher so its no problem. I'm one of the props-men and we'll be making the costume, the BG and other things for the play. Better get my hands and my creativity set!
Second one is our project for MAPEH wherein we will present a ballroom dance number. 5 groups will perform and each has their own genre. Our group was associated with "swing". The performance is still on December but of course, its a bit challenging. Personally, I prefer the modern dance we did last September. This reminded me of the ballroom presentation my old classmates made when I was in 2nd year high school. The following are shown in order: "Maria" (samba), Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You (swing), "Sway" (cha cha), "Time Of My Life" (dirty dancing), "Hernando's Hideaway" (tango).
This week is the start of our 3rd Grading Period. Gotta do my best!
Yawning Dog
Waah! 126 notes. Many people "liked" and reblogged" my Tumblr post. It's a picture of yawning dog and its my new desktop BG :))
Here it is:
Tell The Truth Survey
Tagged by cloud55strife
Do you have a crush right now?
uhm... yes
What is your favorite color?
Red, red, red
What about your favorite animal?
Choose one ... ;) =) >:D :-{D
Did you ever have an F on your report card?
We're graded via average with the base of 50%
What about straight A's
If you could go back in time and change one thing that you did, what would it be?
Taking pics in places I didn't bring camera with
Do you enjoy singing?
I don't have a good voice
If so, has anyone ever told you that you can sing well?
Yes... some of my classmates
Again...Choose one...<3 , ><> , * , @(^_^)@
Are you listening to music right now?
If so, what song are you listening to?
"nothing on you" by bruno mars & b.o.b.
If not, what song do you WANT to be listening to?
What is your favorite subject in school?
English and Science
What is the month of your birthday?
Do you like country music?
it depends... but I like those by Taylor Swift
What about rock?
yes... I prefer ones by My Chemical Romance
It depends...
If you had to eat one fruit for a month straight...what would it be? oranges, bananas, grapes, apples, or kiwi? (or other)
mangoes... :P
Do you like roses or tulips better?
Josephine :D
Was the name that you just thought of a member of your family?
What about a close friend?
Ok...what about your crush?
Do you watch SpongeBob?
What is the name of your best friend?
Nikka :))
Do you like fish or chicken more?
chicken... especially fried ones
Are you a vegatarian?
What about your steak...Rare, Medium, or Well done (for me ... well done :P)
well done
Did you like this random survey?
Last thing.....Pick a # out of these... 1,2,4,7,14
60 Things You Should Know About Me
I was tagged by cloud55strife
Are you wearing a hat?
Bottled water: yes or no?
yes... :P
Do you have a crush on someone right now?
What kind of laptop do you have?
Do you prefer writing with pen or pencil?
I got used in using pen
Who was the last text message in your phone?
that was actually a wrong send :P
Whats your favorite season?
Does your best friend have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
nope... still single!
Do you like them?
who? hahaha
Favorite radio station?
90.7 Love Radio
Type your name into Google, whats the first thing that comes up?
my Facebook account!
Whats your favorite song at the moment?
"A Year Without Rain" by Selena Gomez
Coke or Pepsi?
none... I prefer RC Cola
Favorite subject in school?
English (where I excel), Computer, Science (a bit interested)
Last concert?
never attended one
Next concert?
I'll be keeping updates for Korean pop stars coming in the country
Last magazine you bought?
Otaku Vault
Last book you read?
our MAPEH textbook! hahahaha
Do you prefer cats or dogs?
Is there someone you want to punch right now?
Favorite sports team?
none as of the moment
State you most want to visit?
not in my mind for now
Are you a facebook addict?
Yup! I log in to harvest my FarmVille :))
When do you shower?
after I wake up
Whats your dream job?
graphic artist or animator
What kind of car do you drive?
I don't drive
What word in the dictionary best describes you?
Lights on or off?
Are you a better listener or talker?
I listen and talk though I'm more in listening
Do you care about who wins the election?
Who was the most popular kid in 7th grade?
7th grade? Such a thing exists?
Are you afraid of ghosts?
no... I never seen one... and not hoping to see one!
Is there something lacking in your life right now?
well... I'm hungry :P
What do you miss most about childhood?
playing around with my old friends
How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test?
Haven't taken one yet
Do you drink alcohol?
no... but I was curious of how it tastes and gave myself a shot.. hahaha
Do you do drugs?
Are you a good liar?
not really
Can you cook?
Are you a cheapskate?
What would you do with a million dollars?
I'll go to different restaurants and try out their dishes!
Have you ever been to Disneyworld?
How much time do you spend online?
it depends actually...
Last time you went bowling?
never tried it before
Hot or cold weather?
cold weather!
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
3... for school, for PE, for anything goes
Are you a shop-a-holic?
if it concerns with food, YES
Where were you yesterday at 10:30?
morning or night? hahahah
Are you afraid of the dentist?
I used to..
Do you make wishes at 11:11?
Do you trust people?
of course, but it depends still...
Who was the last person in your bedroom?
Be honest, do you generally like people
Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth?
I'd rather cry
Who was the last person you got into an argument with?
My classmate
If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
in China! gotta see those pandas!
Does it take a lot to make you cry?
yeah... I don't cry that easily
What was your last text message about?
I forgot
Whats your first thought when your alarm goes off?
I don't set one
Did you like this survey?