Trivia # 1 - July 1, 2011

Weeeeeee..... it's July :D My favorite month.... Guess why? :))

My account was made on February 13, 2010 and had 2 of my old wallpapers already.
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But I logged in again on March 25 when I was in the mood to submit 3 more old (crappy) wallpapers of mine.
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We had some tiring Sepak Takraw sport session in P.E. Dring our vacant, me and my friends went to a coffee shop inside the library. I love what we ate :))
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Then on our second room for the next subject, me and my classmates had fun with modeling clay and made a lot of stuff we can imagine! I made a "mini-stonehenge" using a kneaded eraser (an eraser that looks like a clay and can be molded too!). The two birds are from my two classmates.
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This is my favorite one! A Miku Hatsune clay model having feet as her pigtails :))))))) It was inspired from a Pixiv Illustration that my classmate saw. The second picture is not totally the Pixiv Illustration. My classmate draw it and traced it in Photoshop. She doesn't remember the link anymore. LOL!
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We were sketching "detailed" sketches and it was very hard. Our teacher wanted us to draw "detailed" because we will make a "low-relief sculpture" (e.g. coins) based from the sketches. D: Good thing I still have a week to do that! I'll do my very best! >:D
