8th (+10) Birthday shit and money updates

I'm no longer gonna be as online as I used to be. I'm probably online every weekends. We're getting a lot of works by this time around and I need to focus.

For the ads on my 5 blogs (as I mentioned here), I will get money updates every 3 days to know how much I earned. Currently it's 70PHP. Quite a small amount for now. I won't get my earnings until I reach 2000PHP. So please, I'm begging you all to come to my 5 blogs everyday and click on the ads just once.

My parents are already considering to not make me attend 2nd semester. And it's not good. If I stop 2nd semester and study next year, I'll be repeating my whole 2nd year and that's no good joke. We just wasted a good amount of money for this current semester. So please do me a favor of clicking the ads and spreading the word to a lot of people. I hope I can get a lot of people to visit and click on the ads so I can have that 2000PHP or maybe a higher amount. I'm telling you guys to keep it up until early October. I know I'm asking too much but I just can't stand to be on hiatus for my course. It's fucking expensive and even more fucking expensive if I repeat a year.