The world is full of strange, amazing, terrifying, weird, interesting things. I like random facts, and I think it's fun to share them. There are also things it's just cool to know. So this is my world of expanding knowledge.

If you, too, like random facts and have some to share, you can always ask to be a guest poster.

And if you want more random facts, I'm on Tumblr more often than here and tag related posts with "now you know". Check that tag out here.

Ducks have three eyelids.

So do camels.

My thoughts on homophobia

Foamy the Squirrel pretty much sums it all up.


So lately I've been having really vivid and really weird dreams. My friend said it's probably because of the full moon recently, and I did find that once the full moon began to fade back into slivers, my dreams became less vivid. However, I was sk...

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How to draw...

I'll be watching a lot of his videos because I'm trying to improve my art. For all of you aspiring manga artists: see what you think of this stuff. ...

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Something to do when bored in math class

I never pay attention in math anyway.


Camels have three eyelids. This is a random fact I was given today by a friend who knows that I enjoy learning about weird and little-known things. "Camels come equipped with 3 eyelids and this is predominantly for protection against sandst...

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