So I can't get on here too often and I wish I could update this world. If by any chance you want more random facts and I haven't been putting them here, you can always check my Tumblr tag "now you know".
Oh yeah. I should probably put that up in the introduction too.
Found on Tumblr. Plants are weird.

A list of the subsequent commentary.
"Circus Tree: Six individual sycamore trees were shaped, bent, and braided to form this."
"how the hell do you bend and braid a tree"
"Actually pretty easy. Trees don’t reject tissue from other trees in the same family. You bend the tree to another tree when it is a sapling, scrape off the bark on both trees where they touch, add some damp sphagnum moss around them to keep everything slightly moist and bind them together.
Then wait a few years- The trees will have grown together.
You can use a similar technique to graft a lemon branch or a lime branch or even both- onto an orange tree and have one tree that has all three fruits.
"As a biologist I can clearly state that plants are fucking weird and you should probably be slightly afraid of them."
Yep, so. Finals week. Internet. Procrastination. Tree braiding.

Ten random facts from Tumblr blog ultrafacts
1. Nintendo has banked so much money, that they could run a deficit of over $250 Million every year and still survive until 2052.
2. There are 18.6 million empty homes and 3.5 million homeless people in America meaning that every homeless American can own six houses.
3. A 99 year old man divorced his 96 year old wife after having been married for 77 years because he discovered an affair she had in the 1940’s
4. ‘Made in China’ stickers are made in Korea.
5. The largest amount of text messages sent by a single person in one month was 182,689.
6. Your immune system destroys at least one cell every day that would have become cancer if it lived
7. In Japan, KFC is a typical feast of Christmas Eve.
8. Wrestler Andre the Giant set the world record for the most alcohol consumed, he drank 156 beers in a single sitting.
9. Adult cats do not meow to each other, they only meow to communicate with humans and only purr to the humans they love.
10. Technically, the female version of dude is actually dudine, not dudette.
I haven't been updating odds and ends lately, but I have some good informational material, so I shall continue to post here soon.