
(Things are looking bad for the inhabitants of moonshine7's mind, as Eros finally realizes that she has control. Will Rebellion make it back before moonshine's brain is drenched in glitter and... pinkness?! Warning: may contain language.)

Rebellion: Gah! Where is the stupid thing?

Denny (from the shadows): Arf! arf!

Reb: Oh my God! There you are you worthless piece of shit! Get over here!

But Denny just stood silently, watching Reb with his great, big, brown, golden-retriever-puppy eyes. Reb begins to break out in a cold sweat.

Reb: Don't look at me like that! Y-you're a horrible little demon dog from Hell!

Denny cocks his head to one side, still staring at Reb intently.

Reb: Why do you do this?! What is the matter with you? Damn you to Hell! You're just so... so... cute...

There was a slight tremor, causing Denny to race to Reb and leap into her arms.

Reb: Don't worry, Den. I got you, and swear to you that if anyone trys to hurt you, I will drive railroad spikes into their feet...

She turns back the way she came and continues with her morbid explanation.

Reb (giggling):... then I'll run them through with a broken fluorescent light bulb...


Eros: La lala la la!

Eros dances around in circles, swishing her fluffy pink dress and sprinkling glitter over every surface.

Eros: Oh, this is soooooo much fun! I can't see why silly Reb and Logic were always complaining so. (Then, sniffling) If only my dear little Denny-wenny Den-den were here to enjoy it with me!

(Enters Reb with Denny)

Reb: Holy [Even I can't type what she said right here. Use you're imagination]!!!!!! What the [imagination] have you done?!

Eros: DENNY!!!!

Denny (mentally thinks): Oh shit.

Eros rushes at Rebellion, but is tripped by Logic's unconcious body, which is suddenly not so unconcious.

Logic: By the pilgrims of Canterbury, I've woken up in the midst of a Hanna Montana commercial!

Eros (snatching Denny from Reb and nearly suffocating him): Does Hanna like canterberries?!

(Oh, dear. I believe the situation has reached a critical point, and with the leadership of moonshine7's mind in absolute doubt, who knows what will happen next?)
