Welcome to my world! Since this is my introduction I'll tell you a little about me.
(First off, I LOVE cats).
Name: Meroko
Age: 16
Birthday: October 25, 1993
Favorite Genre of Anime: Shojo
What I want to do when I grow up: Write! I love it so much. 
NOTE: I'm a Christian. So please respect that.
List of Anime/Manga (A/M) I've watched/read (alphabetical order, stars by favorties, ^ by ones I've finished):
A-C: Air (A), Alice Academy/Gauken Alice (A/M), Angelic Layer (A), Card Captor Sakura (A/M), Chobits (A), Clannad (A)*
D-E: Digimon (my first Anime), DN Angel (A/M)*,
F-H: Full Moon Wo Sagashite (A/M) *^, Fruits Basket (A/M)*, Gentleman's Alliance Cross (M)*, Haruhi Suzumiya (A) *^
I-M: Inuyasha (A), ION (M), Kaledio Star (A), Kamikaze Katiou Jeanne (A/M), Kimi Ni Todoke*, Kitchen Princess (M), Lucky Star (A) *^, Magic Knight Rayearth (A/M), Mamotte! Lollipop (M), Marmalade Boy (A), Mermaid Melody (A/M), Mink (M), Myself; Yourself (A)
N-R: Nyan Koi*, Ouran High School Host Club*^ (A), Peach Girl*^ (A)
S-Z: Sailor Moon (A), School Rumble (A), Special A (A) Spiral (A), Tokyo Mew Mew (A/M), True Tears (A) *^, Tsubasa (A/M) Ultra Maniac (A/M) *^, White Album*, Whisper of the Heart movie (A)*
Total Anime: 30 Total Manga: 17 Total Anime/Manga: 33
I must apologize for the misleading title, I actually have nothing exciting to say. I'm in the car on yet another long ride, and I am insanely bored. Thank goodness for 3G. The good news is I go home in 6 days. I can't wait! I'm really craving American food.
plus, the time difference between me and my friends from back home (6 hours), is getting annoying.
Hello everyone. I am posting to you from Europe on vacation. I'm currently in Austria at a hotel using the wifi from the hotel bar. I've learned about foreign countires, for example lightswitches are huge, they can charge you to use public restrooms, and ATT seriously rips you off when it comes to using your expensive 3G.
Theres been quite a few problems with this trip, for example our flights all got majorly delayed and I was separated from my parents on the eight hour one, which was a little scary because the people I got put by didn't speak English. Then we finally got to Germany our luggage wasn't there! We had to wait around, it came the next day. We've gotten lost alot and it's possible a wifi I used got infiltrated because someone hacked into my moms email and caused some trouble.
But I realiazed I really neee to try to has a better attitude. Yes, I didn't choose to come on this trip and alot has gone wrong...but Europe is still Europe, which is really cool, and I need to try to make the most of it. Hopefully I'll post some more and keep you updated. :)
1. travel at alll this summer?
2. Summers almost over, plans for the fall?
Hiya everyone. I haven't written in awhile so I figured I'd write a post to check in and update you on what's going in my life.
Not sure if I ever talked about what happened with my mouth surgery- but I lived.
Hehe. Actually just a couple days ago they had to fix part of it because my mouth is just as stubborn as I am, but hopefully now it will heal up nicely and I can concentrate on other stuff (like pushing this one annoying tooth back and getting them whitened).
Being on summer break is...amazing. I actually feel happy instead of depressed and stressed all the time. I really let school get to me.
So I like a new guy! I'm not sure how many of you remember my huge breakdown two years ago, but after my boyfriend back then broke up with me....I had a crush here and there, but nothing like the feelings I'm devloping now. I'm making his codename Yuki. It's pretty nerve racking though, the whole liking someone again. I'm scared I'll just get my heart broken....but maybe it's worth it? This Friday I'm going to his birthday party with one of my best friends who has been grounded awhile. I'm really excited but also really nervous. I'm going over to Itsumademo and Kikashire's house to get ready...need to bring my A game!
1. So how is your summer going?
2. Is it a really hot summer for you? It has been soooo hot here.
Things at school are...difficult. My grades are on this slippery slope, and they may not let me into AP Lang next year, because right now I have a B in Honors English, and....they don't think I can handle it. I'm not going to lie, I'm upset, but I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I have finals the next couple days, and then I can just...relax....for a little while.
I missed my TheOtaku three year anniversary! Sad...indeed...but what's awesome is the other I was just doing a quick PM check and learned I have been upgraded to Otaku Legend. I was like...wow. That's awesome.
I don't feel I deserve it, since I haven't been on so much lately, but wow. So thank you everyone so much, because I belive the comments I get played into that. I miss having time to talk to you all, and hope I will soon! 
I plan to spend alot of time here, on Gaia (merokotheneko, add me) and the site, as soon as that last bell rings (although I will hopefully be earning a little money as well, babysitting and the like). Talk to you soon!
Title refrence: The movie, it just came to mind. 
1. Any special summer plans? (I'll actually be heading to Germany, but that's not until the very end)
Ugh. And I was doing so well...I can't wait until school is out next week. Then I will finally have time to just focus on writing and hopefully making a ltitle money (I'm looking for a summer job)...and just a break...from all the stress. So hopefully you'll be hearing from me again soon!
1. When do you get out of school? (if you're still in it lol)