I'm so sorry....

I feel like...I feel like I'm letting everyone down here. I used to keep up with this site pretty well, frequent postings, and comments, especially on the old MyOtaku. But more then that, I had really good FRIENDS. Internet friends are so different from freinds you can see and talk to, but there's so many advantages. You get to escape from the outside world, and be at a place where you have things in common with people that you might not any place else....and I've been reliazing lately, especially today, that I miss that. I'm not going to make some big promise to be as active as I used to be way back in the day (I make those promised all the time), but I'm going to try to be better once spring break and summer rolls around, bottem line is I'm going to TRY. I also want to focus on getting to know people more then meeting lots of new people, like I like to. Meeting new people is fun, and I like having a good new number of subscribers, but making true friends is so much more important. I want to open to you guys on my life and how it's been, I just have to find a way to do that. I love and appreciate you all more then I can say.
